Wednesday, July 12, 2006

liberal lies--the war against america

I have come to a point where I can't possibly stomach anymore of the lies, the slander, the treason, and the absolute ignorance that flows so freely from the devotees of modern liberalism. It has become increasingly clear to me that the secular progressives in our society have declared all-out war against the America that was created by our Founding Fathers. That America was based on the idea that our basic human freedoms came from God, and that men created government to safeguard those freedoms. We the people give government its power, not the other way around. America was founded on the belief that the national government should be strictly limited to a very few, well defined powers and that the various States, and their citizens, would retain all other powers. Our nation was based on the idea that it was imperative to have a moral and religious citizenry, who would in turn select virtuous leaders. Our forefathers believed that low taxes and minimal government regulation provided the best path to economic prosperity. The architects of this great republic designed our government with the intent of making the judicial branch the least powerful of the three branches, so that our elected representatives would be in charge of establishing public policy. Our forefathers believed, as articulated in The Federalist Papers, that the executive branch should be unlimited in its ability to safeguard our national security against a foreign threat. Modern liberalism seeks to destroy all of the above through an out of control judiciary hijacked by the progressives, and their all-too-willing accomplices in the mainstream media. I will not take it anymore!

I established this blog so that I could use Al Gore's Internet (I've retained my sense of humor!) to spread the truth that is inherent in the teachings of Christianity and the principles of Reagan Conservatism. What I have also begun doing is to "invade" liberal blogs and spread the truth among the "other side". It angers liberals to be challenged; they don't respond so well to facts (Liberal Rule #1: "Never let the truth get in the way of a good liberal lie."). I will continue to fight the left with facts, logic, and reason, and I hope other Christian conservatives will do the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read this mooron!

3:47 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

"I took the initiative in creating the Internet" means just exactly what it says. Al Gore claimed to "create" the Internet. How am I supposed to interpret that? Good grief! Does the cancer of liberalism make one unable to read English? By the way, think about adding a dictionary to your book collection (if you have a book collection). The word is "moron", not "mooron". If there's anything else I can help you with, just let me know.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it odd how we have such different views of history? I distinctly remember the Defense Department allying with MIT, UCLA, Stanford, and the University of Utah to build the backbone of the internet in the sixties. DoD gave control of it to civilians in the seventies (I believe) and there was very little action on it (email, ftp, fidonet, bbs's and a few other functions) until 1991 when Tim Berners Lee devised the URL addressing system. After that the rest is history.

Al Gore had little or nothing to do with it except figuring out ways to get the government's hands on it, primarily to tax it.

BTW Hondo, the following post (communion on the moon) is great. Thanks.

2:57 PM  

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