Monday, July 03, 2006

conservatism doesn't change

Jonah Goldberg of National Review Online had a good column about the mutating differences between Republicans and Democrats ( Although we here at Christian Conservatives agree that those traditional differences are "evolving", we disagree as to the reasons why. Put simply, the reason why we are seeing so many Beltway Republicans behaving like shameless Democrats is because the GOP has become infected with the disease of liberalism. As we have stated before, liberalism is a cancer that destroys a person's ability to tell right from wrong, fact from fiction, and honest from dishonest. Liberalism is reaching epidemic proportions in our nation's capitol and must be stopped.
Goldberg makes the case that conservatism itself is changing. That's not true. A conservative might change, because that conservative is a fallable human being capable of any number of wrong thoughts and deeds. The core values of conservatism however, as embodied in the philosophy of Pres. Ronald Wilson Reagan, remain immutable and rock solid. Those principles/beliefs are as follows:
1. There has never, in the history of the world, been any country that has amassed more power or wealth, and used it for such good, as the United States of America. This republic, created as such a "grand experiment" by our Founding Fathers, is truly the greatest nation on earth.
2. The Founding Fathers ensured that greatness by building America on the bedrock foundation of love of God and the teachings of His Son, Jesus Christ. The evidence for that statement is overwhelming, unshakeable, and a matter of historical record for anyone with eyes to see. Our republic will not survive without a moral and religious citizenry who in turn elect virtous leaders.
3. All of our basic human rights come, not from man-made government or law, but from God. We the people give government the power to safeguard those God-given rights.
4. The principles of federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances, the way they are written in the Constitution, must be followed to the letter in order to limit government's power to take away those God-given rights.
5. The above principles are unchanging; there is no such thing as a "living constitution".
6. Prosperity is highest in a free-market economy with low taxes and minimal government regulation.
7. The national government has an obligation to safeguard our national defense by maintaining a strong, well-funded military commanded by one Commander-In-Chief. Read The Federalist Papers to see conservatism's philosophy regarding the executive branch and national security spelled out.

The only thing wrong with the modern GOP is that they have strayed from these core principles. They have become infected with the deadly cancer of liberalism. The only cure is to recommit to the core values of Reagan Conservatism. Those values are healthier for our country, and will translate into increased success at the ballot box.


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