Tuesday, July 04, 2006

patriotism and the christian

I just finished reading a wonderful article online, entitled Providence of God and Patriotism by William Einwechter (www.natreformassn.org/statesman/00/provpat.html). You can certainly read the entire article, but here are some quotes that really "hit home" for me.

"A Christian patriot works to see the kingdom of God and His righteousness established in the land of his earthly citizenship."

"The Christian patriot knows that the best way to promote the welfare of his country is to live a life of humble obedience to God and seek to apply the Scripture to all phases of life."

"In the providence of God we have been placed in the particular nation in which we live. God would have us recognize that He put us there for a purpose, and that we have unique moral duties to perform in that context. Christian patritism grows out of a natural affection for the commands of God's Word. It is based on our desire to serve our country with the goal of promoting righteousness, liberty and peace. Patriotism, rightly practiced, glorifies God, fulfills the command to love our neighbor as ourselves, and benefits us personally."

We here at Christian Conservatives, on this 4th of July, would like to issue the following challenges to ourselves and our readers:
1. Confess to God in prayer that we, as a nation, have sinned mightily against Him and beg for His forgiveness.
2. Pray to God that He would change our hearts and draw us closer to Him.
3. Pray for wisdom so that we might be able to discern God's will for our lives.
4. Pray for courage so that we would be able to follow God's will for our lives.
5. Pray for God's blessings upon our political and military leaders, so that His will would be done through them.
6. Pray for peace and the safe return home of our brave troops.
7. Pray that God would transform these United States of America into "one nation under God".
8. Pray for our enemies, that their hearts would be transformed by God's Holy Spirit.

Thank you for visiting, and, as always, God bless each and every one of you, and God bless America.

The Christian Conservatives


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