Sunday, January 07, 2007

thoughts from upstate sc

"Thoughts From Upstate SC" is a wonderful blog from a gentleman named Henry Martin. The above link will take you to a post of his from December 11 concerning liberal reaction to Dr. D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries, and The Center For Reclaiming America For Christ. This post caught my eye because I am on the mailing list for The Center, and so I receive lots of information about this ministry. They do great work!
Henry's analysis of the liberal myth of separation of church and state is outstanding, and I highly recommend reading it.
Another great source for the truth about America's religious heritage is the Library of Congress. will take you to an online exhibition called "Religion and the Founding of the American Republic." Take the time to explore this exhibit, and you will learn:
1. Most of our Founding Fathers believed that religion was indespensible to the maintenance of republican institutions.
2. The people who rebelled against Great Britain in 1776 and who established an independent nation were, by and large, faithful Christians.
3. Separation of church and state? Actually, the state became the church on Sundays during the Jefferson and Madison administrations. Look at and you can see for yourself.

There's a lot more, so take your time and explore this inspiring slice of American history. If you are a liberal, this dose of reality will prove to be quite frightening. A nation populated with faithful Christians would never in a million years buy into the liberal agenda. It is only when people drift away from God that they begin to put their faith in "artificial gods", or "idols", like government entitlement programs and the like. "Mommy and Daddy Government" is the liberal roadmap to power, but not in a nation that faithfully worships God. And that, my friends, is why Christianity gives the modern liberal, the secular progressive, such a bad case of the frights!


Blogger Henry Martin said...

Thank you for the mention. I only hope more folk like us will stand up for righteousness in a world gone mad.

Only the truly WISE will fear God. And only those who fear God are WISE.

I think maybe GOD has a LOT to do with our thinking HIS THOUGHTS after HIM!

12:58 AM  

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