Saturday, January 06, 2007

bill o'reilly is not a conservative

I am always amused when I hear liberals denounce Bill O'Reilly as a conservative. After all, this is the man who believes that the federal government should "federalize" child molestation cases, that the federal government should regulate gas prices at the pump to protect "the folks", and that there should be federal laws in place that make it harder for the media to make fun of him. Believe me, conservatives don't say silly stuff like that! The truth is, O'Reilly is a traditional, RFK-type Democrat (and a very arrogant one at that!). He believes in a strong national defense (as the Democrats used to believe), he believes in traditional American values (as many Democrats used to believe) and he believes strongly in the G.W. Bush mantra, "When people hurt, government has to move!" You can call that a lot of things, but "conservative" isn't one of them.
The above link will take you to the classic illustration of what I mean. This O'Reilly column is mistitled "A Free Press? In Your Dreams." As near as I could tell, the entire column was about how America's mainstream media and entertainment industries tilt sharply to the left. Ya' think? Wow! That's a concept that never occurred to me! After making this deeply insightful observation, Mr. Obvious goes on to provide supporting documentation for his claim. And something else, too---O'Reilly doesn't come right out and say it, but I get the most uneasy feeling that he wants the government to "do something" about this great injustice. I say that because of the title of the column (deceitfully cloaking his opinion in Constitutional garb) and because of the painstaking way in which he attempts to document the "damage" this media bias is doing to our country. I have watched his show enough to know that he wants the feds to "do something" about the media. Good grief! Quit calling this guy a conservative!
Let me tell you what the intellectually honest Christian conservative thinks about such matters. It's a fact that there is a strong liberal bias in the media and the world of entertainment. So what? Principled conservatives can go on talk radio or the blogosphere to get out the conservative message. We can "preach, teach and nag" in our homes, our churches, our neighborhoods, and our workplaces to get out our conservative message. We can get involved in politics at the grassroots level in order to recruit and support like-minded political candidates. We can look more critically at the words and actions of people like O'Reilly, so we are not deceived. And most of all, we can pray that God will transform the hearts and minds of America's military and political leaders, and of "we the people", so that we could truly be "one nation under God" living out the Christian conservative principles first established by our Founding Fathers for this republic.


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