Saturday, January 06, 2007

interesting nfl prognostication

This is good stuff for all you NFL fans!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hondo, this link promotes alcohol use. I think you should remove it from your blog.

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. The bible is as clear about alcohol as it is about homosexuality. Ok, maybe not as clear as when it says not to marry any woman named Jezebel, or when it says to make sure women shut-up in church. But most christians agree. Drunks and queers are not getting into heaven. Besides God told me so.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1st corinthians 6:9 says that homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of God. Anonymouse, if that is your real name, you just offended me and I am a homosexual. You will not be in God's kingdom. But then again neither will half of those calling themselves "christian" because they offend homosexuals with their utterings of non-tolerance in reagrds to who I love. Why are they so obsessed with who I love and/or sleep with anyway? It is none of their damn business. Hey, just thought of something...with a name like Hondo... Dude, what's your phone number? Are you over 18? Your not into that man-boy love association thing are you? I don't do perverts. I bet you have moustash.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:24 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

From the real Hondo---I will respond to each of you.

To Hypocracy-Watch---There's nothing un-Christian about alcohol use. My personal favorites are Captain Morgan and Leinenkugel Red. Take a look at Luke 2 and read about how Jesus turned water into wine. Have a good day!

To Anonymouse--Most Christians do not believe that drinkers and homosexuals will go to hell. Drunkenness and homosexuality are both sins, but so are lying and divorce and adultery and many other behaviors. We are ALL sinners.

To Gay Dude--I'm flattered, but I'm happily married with kids. I did have a mustache many years ago when I was in college. Truthfully, Gay Dude, I don't care who you sleep with. That's none of my business. Most Christians agree with me. What we are opposed to is changing the traditional definition of marriage. It seems to me that, in this regard, we are more tolerant than uou.

To the Fake Hondo--That's clever! I've always been a little surprised that more of the hysterical liberals who are opposed to the Christian conservative viewpoint don't practice more "blog-terrorism". To all of my conservative visitors, isn't it interesting that it's always the liberal who resorts to these kinds of tricks. As a Christian conservative, I would never go on Truthdig and pretend to be one of the liberal regulars on that site just to cause embarrassment. You have provided us with a teachable moment, and I thank you! Are you really Bukko in disguise? Crikey!

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog-teerorism? That's a stretch, even for conservative fact-distorters like yourself. What, am I going to send you a comment that blows up your computer when you open it? Oh yeah I forget, any dissent of your conservativism or alleged christianism is dangerous terrorism.

Nah, I'm just winding you up in response to the hate and garbage that you spew all over the net Pongo.

By the way, if you think you can drink and call yourself a christian, that would make you a LIBERAL christian. See there is a glimmer of liberalism deep inside you somewhere.

Just kind of goes to show the problem with merging religion into government. People rarely agree on religious principles among their own groups, and you think it is okay to push religion in public office. AINT GOING TO HAPPEN PONCHO! The American people are re-awakening to the evil blight of cnristian-based conservatism. That's why they kicked you asses out of govt at the last election. It's just ashame that our govt murdered so many people in the process while fighting an evil, greed-inspired, illegal war. You ever pick up a gun and get yourself into a war zone Condo? At 46, I'm sure you could get into Iraq in some capacity. A contractor or something... Go on. Show us how much you support your conservative leadership and get yourself into the war.

Also, if you are going to post profanity on your blog, you really shouldn't wimp out by using just the first letter. It's wanting to use profanity and then you sissy out so you can still use it without saying it. Why? Oh great mentor Bongo? Christian principles holding you back on fear?

5:53 AM  
Blogger hondo said...

Thank you, Fukko, for another teachable moment. I used the word "cyberterrorism" and you immediately ridiculed that notion by saying that you weren't sending a bomb through the computer. Then you accused me of being a "conservative fact-distorter." Let's start the lesson, shall we?
First, cyberterrorism doesn't have to be of a physical nature to qualify a terrorism. Aren't liberals always talking about how harmful talk radio is because the words are acts of hate and terrorism? You see, by your own liberal definition from The Great liberal Playbook, the mischief you made on my blog qualifies as cyberterrorism. You were actively trying to silence an opposing viewpoint through deceitful and hateful comments on my blog.
Second---I don't care. You can say anything that you want in your comments. I will not, however, allow you to post comments under my name. If you do that, I will delete the comment. If you want your comment to be seen, use a name other than "Hondo". I will not tolerate that kind of deception to exist on my blog. Also, it would be helpful if you would just pick a name and stick with it. Or are falsely trying to create the impression that there is a whole army of people out there who disagree with me? As compared to just one small, pathetic little human who wants to appear much larger?
Third, I have never proposed merging religion with government. Perhaps I could recommend a good program to help you with reading comprehension. What I oppose is the government suppression of religious expression. Secular progressives really aren't that different in this regard than the government of the old Soviet Union. Now there was a government which actually mandated separation of church and state.
Fourth--I am a liberal because I like cold beer and, ocassionally, spiced rum? Good grief! You need professional help! God bless you, and all the best to you and yours. One suggestion--if you actually have a family, or anyone in your life that is special to you, I recommend spending a little more time with them, and a little less time playing "make-believe" on the internet. You remind me of that rascal Puff, who frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah-lee!

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I’ve spent a lot of time agitating you wacky conservative christians on this site, partly because it’s so easy (most of you aren’t very smart) and partly because I just get a kick out of it.

Oh wait, I think I just plagerized you. That's pretty much what you said to the readers of

Sorry to upset you so much, I just thought you could take a little agitation yourself since that's what you are dishing out.

4th: Simon and Garfunkal is the best you could come up with? Dude, you are living in another world. Make beleive huh? Three words to you: Pot-Kettle-Black.

3d: Whatever... of course you propose merging religion into govt. Come out of your denial.

2nd: Okay. Fair enough. One name. Not trying to create a false impression, I'm just having fun. Doesn't take a genious to figure that one out. After all, I consistantly can't spell.

1st: Great liberal Playbook? Couldn't find that one on Amazon. Did you just make that one up? Kind of like much of what is in your blog. And what liberal called talk radio terorism? or did you just make that one up too?

I am not trying to silence you. I am just making fun of your commentary because it is just so often riduclous Blondo! I'm just responding to absurdity with absurdity. But in typical conservative christian fasion, you are reading something into it that is not there...cyber terrorism indeed. That's why no one takes guys seriously. Your all a bunch of lunatics.

And your cause is a dangerous one. We are not a Christian Country and never will be. Nor should we be. Christianity is a faith, an oppinion, a guess. It is not a sure thing. You don't know that your version of faith is anymore right than anyone else. To say you do is just arrogant.

Besides, most of those running around calling themslees christians are no where close, and those who do have the faith are to embarrassed by you guys who have hijacked and basterdized it!

Anyway, I think this will probably be my last post. So you caan go on and blog in peace...

1:43 PM  

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