Sunday, January 07, 2007

q&a with mitt romney--human events online

My Dad and I had a nice conversation during the holidays concerning Mitt Romney. He asked me if I thought that the Massachusettes governor would run for president in 2008. I think that he will, and that his announcement will probably come within the next couple of weeks. My Dad then said something very interesting about a possible Romney campaign. He said that many of the people that attend his church have already stated that they couldn't possibly vote for a Mormon. My Dad went on to say that he didn't think that Romney would be able to win enough of the Christian vote to win. In my ever-so-humble opinion, that's tragic, and it makes me sad! That doesn't mean that I necessarily would support Romney for president, but to oppose him on religious grounds is just plain wrong! I'll explain.,6929,403-1,00.html is the official website for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I think it would prove helpful for many non-Mormons to look at the site and to investigate the beliefs of the modern-day Mormon. It is true that there are differences between the beliefs of the Christian and the beliefs of the Mormon. The Book of Mormon contains doctrine that a Christian wouldn't believe in. However, according to the official website, the Mormon Church does believe the following:
1. God is our Heavenly Father. He loves us and wants us to return to Him.
2. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is our Savior.
3. Obeying the Ten Commandments blesses individuals, families and communities.

I have no problem saying, I'm OK with that! Mr. Romney might not believe 100% of everything I believe, but we agree on some really important fundamental ideals. From a purely religious standpoint, we Christians should have no problem with a man of high character who follows the Ten Commandments and who has accepted God's Son Jesus as his Savior.

Now, let's move to the conservative part. Here's where Mr. Romney starts to give me the heeby-jeebies. I am not convinced that Mitt Romney is a principled, Reagan conservative, and I would not support him for President until I could be sure of his conservative beliefs. The link at the top to the Human Events Q&A hones in on that very topic, because it is so critically important. Mr. Romney has made statements in the past that have called in to question his adherance to Reagan conservatism. He now seems to be reversing himself on those issues, in much the same way that Sen. John McNuts is, just to cozy up to the various conservative special interest groups. That makes me suspicious.

Just to be perfectly clear, I believe that Christian conservatives should support political candidates who have a foundation of faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ, and who believe in the core principles of Reagan conservatism, which rest upon the bedrock ideals of our Founding Fathers. Mitt Romney, as far as I'm concerned, scores a perfect 10 on the first part of that equation, but the jury is still out on the second part. The good news is that long political campaigns are a perfect way to find out what the candidates really believe. Nobody can pretend for a year-and-a-half. We shall see soon enough what kind of a Republican Mitt Romney is.


Blogger Nathan W said...

Very well said.

Your father has an interesting point for the primaries, but not the overall election. Romney is at risk right now in the Primaries due to the Mormon factor, but after two years of people hearing his socially conservative views, his consistent actions for four years as Governor, then seeing the opposition with their socially liberal views, I think most remaining fears will have melted away from the conservative voting block.

4:29 AM  

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