Sunday, January 07, 2007

a teachable moment, courtesy of liberal cyberterrorists

Well, there certainly has been a lot of mischief on my simple little blog during the last 24 hours! It seems that person, or persons, unknown have decided to impersonate me in making funny little comments to my posts. This is just a guess (it's always dangerous trying to figure out what goes on in the liberal mind) but I think that the purpose of this "cyberterrorism" is to upset me to the point where I will give up and quit blogging. The truth is, they don't upset me, but they do puzzle me. Why would a person be so afraid of honest, straight forward debate that they would resort to tactics like this?

Is it because liberals know that truth and reality are not on their side? That makes sense. If a person enters an intellectual battle with no ammo, they would have to resort to subterfuge and deceit. Truthfully, this is something of a "golden oldie" from the liberal playbook. Look at what happens to conservatives who make speaking appearances on college campuses. Look at what happens to conservative college students who voice their opinions in class and around campus. Look what happens to any political figure who dares to share their Christian faith publically. Notice that you don't ever see Christian conservatives resort to this sort of thuggery. Notice also that part of the definition of the word "fascism" is "forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism." Now tell me the truth; after seeing the work of the liberal mischief-makers on my blog, who do you think that the word "fascism" more appropriately applies to?


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