Monday, January 01, 2007

a response to the liberals

Saturday, December 30 I posted my thoughts on liberalism and the execution of Saddam Hussein. Just as I predicted, a firestorm erupted on the website, and there were 5 angry responses on this blog. Never in my life have I seen so much dishonesty, so much ignorance, and so much "wrong side of history" thinking all gathered in one place! I'll start at the beginning and attack the dishonesty, one deceitful point at a time.
1. "Jesus was a liberal?" No he wasn't. Modern liberalism believes that man shouldn't be constrained by such old-fashioned relics as the belief in right and wrong. Liberalism believes that man can be saved by government. Liberalism doesn't believe in charity. Liberalism does believe in governmental confiscation of private wealth so that it can be redistributed to people the government believes are more worthy. Liberalism believes that outward expressions of Christian faith are wrong. Liberalism believes that if a public official expresses any Christian faith whatsoever, that this public official is suddenly unfit for public office. Liberalism believes that churches, and the leaders of those churches, are somehow not entitled to the same 1st Amendment rights that the rest of us have. Liberals sound an aweful lot like the tax collectors and the Pharisees!
2. "Promoting peace and love are liberal values?" WRONG!!! Why is it that conservative public speakers are often physically attacked and threatened by liberal protesters, but you never see a liberal speaker attacked in the same way? Why is it that liberals support Islamofascist aggression towards Israel? It appears to me that liberals hate Jews. Why does the Clown Prince of Liberalism--Jimmy Carter--hate Jews so much? Just read his book to see what I mean. Why do liberals so blindly and passionately support appeasement as it relates to the war on terror? Appeasement has never produced peace, it has always led to more violence and more war and more loss of innocent life, and that doesn't appear too loving to me.
3. Jesus came to change the Old Testament? WRONG! Jesus specifically stated that he was not changing one single part of the old law (see Matthew 5:17-20).
4. Would Jesus put the rope around Saddam's neck? You bet He would! Among his many crimes, Saddam promoted the sexual molestation of children. Look at Matthew 18:6. Some of you seem to think that it is sinful to even be angry over the crimes of Saddam. Folks, Jesus showed anger! Look at Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-18; and John 2:13-22. Look at the following link:
5. It's a fact that neo-cons just want to control the Middle East? That's a lie! We encouraged Israel to roll over in the face of Hamas terrorism. We are desparately trying to get the new Iraqi government to be independent so that we can come home. Each and every time we won a war in the 20th Century, we created independence for the people we defeated. If you believe this moronic liberal lie, then you are deliberately closing your eyes to the truth.
6. wasn't defending Saddam? Yes they were, and they were using the oldest liberal trick in the book to do it. They spun away from the truth concerning the atrocities committed by Saddam and focused on how he was a victim of an organized criminal conspiracy in the Bush administration to silence him. They created a picture of George Bush being more evil than Saddam. The result was predictable. All of the lunatics who believe all of that crapola came out of the wordwork and posted comments on truthdig supporting Saddam and condemning Bush. read it for yourself. I didn't misinterpret anything!
7. Saddam didn't get a fair trial? Yes he did. He had every opportunity to be represented by council and to speak on his own behalf. He was able to give his side of the story. Then he was properly convicted and hanged by the neck till he was dead. Liberals, though, are always sympathetic towards the most monstrous of the criminal element. Death Rows all over America are filled with liberals crying their eyes out about the poor "victims" incarcerated there. That's how it is with liberals. Cry for the criminals, blame the true victims. And you call yourselves "peaceful and loving!"
8. "This isn't about Hussein; it's about us"????? WRONG!!! This is absolutely about Saddam, and the atrocities he committed. That's the way it is with liberals, though. Cry for the bloodthirsty criminal, blame the true victims, support more atrocities. Liberals ignore evil in anyone who is committed to the destruction of the American republic created by the Founding Fathers. Liberals prefer to imagine evil in conservative patriots who most closely mirror the values of the Founding Fathers. It's all part of liberal delusion, and the leftist agenda of destroying America as the world's lone superpower. The eventual goal? Zero national sovereignty, and one-world government under the control of the United Nations. that would be the same United Nations that killed so many innocent Iraqi's through the Oil-For-Food Criminal Conspiracy, and whose blue-helmeted rapists have assaulted so many thousands of innocent women and children all over the globe. Tell me again about liberal peace and love?
9. The world would stop laughing at Christians if we acted the way we were taught to act? Proveably false. The Bible commands us to be bold in stating the truth. The Bible commands us to hate sin and evil. The Bible commands us to love our neighbor by speaking truthfully about the teachings of the Bible. For that, the Bible promises us that we will be persecuted in every way it is possible to be persecuted. No, what the secular progressive crowd wants is for Christians to abandon the teachings contained in the Bible, and to become more worldly. No thanks! I prefer to follow the Bible.
10. No such thing as Islamofascism? I am so tired of defining that term for people who refuse to listen. If you actually are that ignorant, that you put Islamofascism in the same category as the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, I've got nothing for you. You need help from someone far above my pay grade!
11. Bush is a fascist? Name one political opponent of Bush who the President has killed. Tell me how you believe that the president has complete authority over the government with a Democrat Congress. How has the president regimented racism? How has the president regimented all industry? How is it that blogs like Truthdig are able to exist if Bush is a fascist? Good grief, liberal scarecrows, ask the wizard for a brain!
12. We support Saddam killing his own people? No, we actually invaded Iraq, in apart, to stop the killing. Did we support Saddam 25-30 years ago? Yes. Sometimes nations have to make a choice in the complex world of foreign affairs; a choice between supporting a bad guy and a worse guy. It's unfortunate, but it happens. What happened to "liberal nuanced thinking" that John Kerry prattled on about during the campaign? Good grief!
13. One of you referenced Suhuarto and Indonesia and 200,000 Timorese. You are correct! It was absolutely tragic and reprehensible that, from 1950-1992, a Democrat-controlled Congress, and both Democrat and Republican presidents supported Suhuarto, despite the wickedness of that evil despot. In 1992 Congress cut off military training for Indonesia, and in 1994 the State Department banned the sale of small arms/riot gear/crowd control technologies to Indonesia. The Clinton administration, however, made the decision to continue selling F-16's to Indonesia. What point are you trying to make? That Democrats support evil despots? I agree; that's the point I have been trying to make!
14. Treaty of Tripoli? The U.S. government was trying to make the point that we weren't like England, in the respect that we would sink ships on the open seas that came from non-Christian countries. Read Washington's Farewell Address. Read the writings of John Adams and John Jay. Read the Northwest Ordinance. Go online to the Library of Congress website, and look at their online exhibit about Religion and the Founding of America. You can take that secular progressive "separation of church and state" fairy tale and go home! It's another liberal lie.

I think that covers about everything. I will add one thing. I am not the smartest guy in the world--there are millions smarter than me. I am, however, a world-class reader and researcher, and I know how to find the truth, and the facts/logic/reason that substantiates the truth. If you come on to this blog and try to slide your liberal lies through, expect a fight. Dishonesty will be challenged on!

By the way, I started tracking the number of hits to this site on Thanksgiving. From that day, until December 31, there were over 700 hits on my blog. I sincerely thank each and ever one of you, liberal and conservative, who have visited my site. Thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I can't say I am surprised. Just to put my comments into perspective, I am former military, former state police officer and a registered republican. Have you ever sworn to uphold the law? Uphold the constitution not only for the victims, but the criminals? Gone out and put your life on the line in service of others? Law and due process of law is for every American citizen, good or bad. I am not one of your screaming liberals you painted me as.

Please take offense when I state that your thoughts and opinions are so far off the beaten path of rational thought that you can't even see the road anymore. I know no one is going to raise a "valid" opinion that doesn't follow yours, but do understand that your ideas are harmful to anyone who truly wants to understand compassion, love and understanding.

You need not reply (though I know you will itch to do so as it is innate in your nature) as any conversation with you is only a one-sided bleat while you shout and then don't listen.


Jody O'Donnell

8:16 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

You know, Jody, I would consider your opinion "valid", except for one thing. You didn't (or couldn't) respond directly to one single solitary point I made. You berated me, you personally attacked me and you questioned my character. Typical liberal strategy! I do shout, Jody, but I also listen, and so far I'm not hearing anything intelligent from you. Please, Jody, show off a little bit of that "liberal nuanced thinking" and attempt to respond directly to at least one point I made.
Now, let me respond directly to some of your bleating. In the 1st paragraph of your screed, you attempted (I think) to make the point that I have no right expressing my opinions because I've never served in the military or the state police. I love how liberals keep adding guidelines about who the 1st Amendment covers, and who is exempt from its protections. Amazing how the winner of that game always turns out to be a liberal!
In the second paragraph, you say that my ideas are harmful to anyone who truly wants to understand compassion, love, and understanding. I recognize that tune! That's what liberals always say to conservatives right before proposing "hate speech" legislation in order to "legally" deprive conservatives of the freedom of speech. Just for the record, Officer, my ideas are not "harmful" to anyone. I don't hit anyone, or wield a weapon, or threaten anybody's health, safety or well being. I am, after all, a conservative. It's liberals who do all of that schoolyard bully kind of stuff. What I do is to express my opinions, which are based on the perfect Word of God, the foundational principles of the American republic as created by our Founding Fathers, and the clear-thinking common sense of principled conservatism as expressed by Pres. Ronald Reagan.
I'll make two other points before I go back to watching the ND/LSU game. First--you are a screaming liberal. Conservatives don't get as jacked up as liberals when faced with opposing viewpoints. Your hysteria was very evident in the way you phrased your remarks. Second, I did not take offense at your remarks. You, Jody, are a liberal, which means that approximately 25% of America at least partially shares your worldview. The tone of your writing indicates to me that you reside in the lunatic fringe of that 25%, meaning that only about 10% of America fully agrees with you. Armed with that knowledge, I read your remark that my opinions are off the beaten path of rational thought, and it makes me giggle. It's hard for me to take offense at words that amuse me.
Thank you for visiting my blog, Jody, and all the best to you and yours out there in Liberalville.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hondo, the world class reader and researcher,

Did you really say that the separation of church and state is a fairy tale?

Well, read this: Thomas Jefferson wrote: "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."

What do you think? Is Thomas Jefferson and our nations constitution a fairy tale too?

C'mon teacher Hondo. Try to come back into reality a little...

3:08 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

Yes, Anonymous, separation of church and state,as defined by the modern liberal, is a myth and a fairy tale. Whe Jefferson used the phrase "separation of church and state" in his letter to the Danbury Baptists, he meant that the federal government had no authority to either support or restrict the religious practices of any denomination. In other words, the Danbury Baptists were free to worship in any way they wished, subject to any restrictions the individual state might impose. He most certainly did not mean that any and all contact between religion and government was prohibited. In fact, did you know that Thomas Jefferson (the president you refer to) and James Madison (the Father of the Constitution) made the state become the church on Sundays in Washington? According to the Library of Congress online exhibit entitled "Religion and the Founding of the American Republic", Jefferson regularly attended church services in the House of Representatives. Madison did the same thing. Preachers representing every Protestant denomination presided over these church services. In January of 1806, Dorothy Ripley, a female evangelical preacher, delivered a "camp meeting-style exhortation in the House to Jefferson, Vice President Aaron Burr, and a 'crowded audience.' Throughout his administration Jefferson permitted church services in executive branch buildings. The Gospel was also preached in the Supreme Court chambers." I am quoting from Go to that link and see just exactly what the Library of Congress has to say about Jefferson and the separation of church and state. If, after reading what that non-denominational, bipartisan organization has to say, you still believe in the fairy tale of separation of church and state (as interpreted by the modern liberal) then there's nothing I can do to help you.

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now you qualify what you called the “separation of church and state fairy tale” as that “defined by the modern liberal.” Your implication before was that separation of church and state was wholly a false secular progressive idea that didn’t really exist; hardly honesty. Now you must admit that the concept does exist as that of our founding fathers. Therefore, “separation of church and state” is worthy of discussion, interpretation, and debate. And cannot just be dismissed as a fairytale.

But now that I have called you out on that point, you have made a very coherent and thoughtful argument for your case. Good on you Hondo! Your points are even worthy of a respectful post on if you want a better reception than what you have been getting there. After all, putting up post just to “agitate” others for your own enjoyment is not at all Christian Hondo. Neither is your persistent name-calling to those who disagree with you. Neither is using profanity such as your Where Have You Gone Joe Dimaggio post (you wrote “f___ my wife” but your intended meaning was clear). In fact, your idea of Christianity seems a far cry from the Christianity I grew up with, practice, and share with my own four children.

Let me tell you why I read I have served our country for 21 years as active duty military, mostly outside of the U.S. I have been in harms way, lost fellow Airmen in harms way, and make tough decisions to send our younger troops into harms way. I want, and indeed deserve, to know about the decisions and motivations behind the policies, directives, and orders that eventually make their way to me and that I send to others. So I read websites like to gain additional insight and thoughts into much of the news on the mainstream websites. And then someone like you comes on and insults me because you “get a kick out of it.”

I have spent enough time in some not very nice parts of the world that I would rather have missed out of choice. I have driven through a featureless desert, minimally armed, sacred, thinking about my wife and children, and relying on mostly intuition to get to the safety of the next base. I have lived in accommodation that was blown-up by our enemies. I have taken many great personal risks to accomplish the objectives that I have been given. And I didn’t do those things lightly. I have seen the disastrous result of nations that we fight so hard to not become like them; those that don’t value things like separation of church and state. Those like Saudi Arabia, with their religious arm of the police that walk the streets and enforce religious rule upon their citizens with violence. That is the danger of nations that don’t respect their citizens and share the types of values such as those in our constitution. My whole adult life has been dedicated to protecting and defending our constitution so we don’t become a nation like that. So don’t insult me for wanting to get a little thought provoking opinion that is different from the Fox news propaganda that is steadily streamed into our bases and camps, to me and my fellow war-fighters downrange.

Hondo, until you are able to consistently make polite, respectful, coherent arguments like the one you just made to me above, I implore you to restrain yourself from polluting discussions with your intentional insults, name-calling, and agitation that you claim to do in the name of our Lord. O’kay?

5:52 AM  

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