Saturday, December 30, 2006

the hypocracy and dishonesty of the aclu

This is an excellent column written by Rabbi Aryeh Spero concerning the Duke lacrosse case. The conduct of the prosecutor and the drive-by media in this case have been despicable right from the outset, but of course, that's OK when the suspects are white. Where, oh where, has the ACLU been during this travesty? Why haven't we heard any of the thunderous pronouncements from the self-appointed "Defenders of the Constitution" during this disgraceful miscarriage of justice? What's that you say? The Constitution doesn't apply to middle-class white kids? It's OK for a crooked prosecutor to trump up false charges and manufacture evidence if the defendants are white? Well, thank you for the explanation! I'll add that to my teaching notes when we get to that unit again at school! And many thanks as well to the ACLU! Just look at all they do:
Thank God we have such a good and decent organization out there preserving all of the protections and guarantees of the Constitution!


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