Friday, December 29, 2006

liberalism, unlike aids, can infect anyone!

You can be male or female, Republican or Democrat, black, white, brown, yellow or red--it doesn't matter. You can be of any creed, color, race or religion and it just doesn't matter. Anyone can contract the cancer of liberalism. Liberalism is an insidious disease. It tries so hard to appear harmless and sincere, but, in reality, it is cunning and crafty and dishonest and ever so deadly! The disease of liberalism thoroughly and completely destroys a person's ability to discern right from wrong, fact from fiction, good from evil, and reality from fantasy.

If ever there was a clearer illustration of the debilitating effects of liberalism on the human heart, mind and soul than the above column by Miguel Perez, then I haven't seen it. How else can you explain a bipartisan Congressional committe making a trip to Cuba for the express purpose of keeping despotism, oppression and inhumanity alive on that tiny island?

This column by Mr. Perez is outstanding! The only quarrel I have with it, and it is a small one, is that Mr. Perez lumps all Republicans into the same can of sh__ that the liberal RINO's reside in. This is a small quarrel, because we Reagan conservatives have allowed these feces-for-souls RINO's to contaminate the GOP. As principled Christian, Reagan conservatives, we should have one single goal for the next two years, and that goal is to disinfect the GOP and to exterminate the liberal infestation that has occurred over the course of the last 6 years. We cannot fail! The future of America, and the world, depends on it.


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