Saturday, January 20, 2007

another textbook example of the lunacy of liberalism

Tom Ehrich is an Episcopal priest, writer, and consultant. His website is He is a proud member of the lunatic left and, despite calling himself a priest, is a textbook example of a secular progressive. I say that because much of his writing is devoted to talking about how important it is for man to constantly reinterpret God's Holy Word in light of our evolution as enlightened beings. He believes that it is wrong to quote scripture in order to dispute liberal doctrine (he calls that "scripture bullets"). This guy is an absolute nut!

Read his latest screed and see for yourself. The above link will take you to his opinions on the Duke lacrosse case. Ehrich is absolutely beside himself because it now looks like the case will be dropped, probably because the alleged "victim" can't keep her phony stories straight. He doesn't want the case dropped because he says that the case is important in keeping our national discussion going on the sins of privileged white people. Ain't that just the way with those nutty liberals!

I have 4 basic problems with Ehrich's column. The first problem is that much of the column is false, as in incorrect, as in pack of lies. That shouldn't come as any surprise, seeing as how the column was written by a liberal. The major weapon of a liberal is the trusty old falsehood! If you want to find factual information about the case, go to

The second problem is that Ehrich clearly believes that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to further the liberal agenda. That's a common misconception among those on the left. Clearly, liberals were asleep in government class when the teacher said that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to determine guilt or innocence and to lock up the guilty.

The third problem I have with the column is that Ehrich expresses no concern whatsoever for the young boys who were falsely accused. That's probably because they are privileged, white college students. If they were black and being accused of a crime they didn't commit, I guarantee Ehrich would be right out front protesting. What a hypocrite!

The fourth problem I have is that The Indianapolis Star continues to run this clown's columns in the Faith and Values section of the paper. I would have no problem if they ran his columns in the opinion section, but they continue to pretend that he is a religion writer.

Can there be any doubt as to how destructive the principles of liberalism are?


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