Sunday, October 08, 2006

a reply to satanopolous

If you look back to my post from last Sunday about Jimmy Carter, you will see a couple of comments from Satanopolous. His second comment was rather lengthy. Knowing that my reply would also be rather lengthy, I decided to devote an entire post to it. The opinions presented by Satanopolous are so divorced from anything resembling reality, they deserve the full treatment!
It appears that Satanopolous is trying to say that Jimmy Carter is a better Christian than George Bush, that Carter was a better president than Bush, and that Carter is not a traitor to his country. I won't speak to the first point; that's not my call. I will speak to the second and third points by deconstructing the "facts" Satanopolous lays out.
First, Satanopolous says that Carter had great success with his energy policy. That just isn't true. Carter pushed a windfall-profit tax on the oil companies through Congress that was disastrous. Domestic oil production was cut in half, while foreign oil imports doubled. That tax never produced any government revenue, either, contrary to the rosy predictions by the Carter administration. Thank the peanut farmer for our dependence on foreign oil!
Second, he says that Carter appointed record numbers of minorities to the judiciary. That actually is true. It also is unimportant. I don't care what color a federal judge is, as long as they interpret the Constitution as it was originally written. Carter judges don't do that, so I have no use for them.
Third, Satanopolous praises Carter's foreign policy. Let's not forget that Carter was the President who gave away the Panama Canal. Carter was the president who ignored Japan as they raped our automobile industry, resulting in thousands of Americans losing their jobs. How about the part that Carter played in Daniel Ortega's rein of terror in Nicaragua? That resulted in an increase of terrorism across the globe. Carter's appointment to the U.N. was Andrew Young. If Carter had served another 4 years, we might very well have seen one-world government with Young selling us out to the U.N. What about the Camp David Accord? It never resulted in peace. Violence was worse after the accord. Let's talk about the support that Carter gave to the murderous regimes in Libya and the Sudan. Libya became a terrorist sponsor under Gadhafi because of Carter. A supporter of human rights? Carter ignored the expansion of Communism in eastern Europe and rewarded the human rights abuses in China by establishing full diplomatic ties with them, at the expense of Taiwan. Satanopolous mentions SALT II. That never got passed! Carters other arms treaties, however, were never followed by the Soviets. They got stronger and we got weaker.
Satanopolous says that politicians don't influence the economy? Then explain why the economy took off like a rocket after Reagan took office and began implementing his economic plan. Explain why the American economy is so robust after the Bush tax cuts took effect. A conservative politician has a very positive effect on the economy.
Today, Carter crisscrosses the globe, giving aid and comfort to every murderous dictator in the world. Does he encourage them to end their human rights abuses? No. He simply supports them. Don't try to tell me that Carter is a humanitarian!
Unfortunately for liberals, hard cold facts just don't support any of the liberal lies about how great Carter was or is. The plain truth is that Jimmy Carter was the worst president we have ever had, and he is a traitor to his country today.


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