Friday, October 06, 2006

what kind of a strategy is this?

These are tough times to be a liberal. Ever since Pres. Bush was originally elected and got his tax cuts passed, liberals have been screaming about how badly this would damage the economy. In 2006, unemployment is at an all-time low. Millions of new jobs have been created. Black ownership of business is at an all-time high. The economy is booming! Great news for Americans, bad news for Democrats.
Next, the liberal Democrats began raging about an energy crisis. Republicans proposed a whole buffet of solutions, but the Democrats blocked every one. Then the price of oil dropped below $50 a barrel. Apparently, Democrats are anti-solution!
Next, the Democrats moved on to gas prices. Vote Democrat, they said, or gas will be $5 a gallon. Oops! Gas is now in the lower $2 range. Bad news for Democrats!
The whole time, Democrats have been hyperventilating about Iraq. Bush lied, soldiers died! Cut and Run! Let's be like France and surrender! The GOP asked, OK, what's your plan? The Democrat silence was deafening.
Clearly, the Democrats are a party devoid of ideas. They don't have a clue, much less a plan. They say, "Vote for us, because we hate Republicans!" That's no way to win an election.
Then, as the Christmas story says, then what to their wondering eyes should appear? Why, look---it's a Republican sex scandal! Democrats are elated. Finally, an issue to make people forget that Democrats don't have a plan! Let's talk about sex for the next 4 weeks!
Unfortunately, this is a strategy that will blow up like an exploding cigar in all those long Democrat faces. Let's talk about why.
First, Americans will come to realize over the next couple of weeks that Democrats are lying when they say that they are concerned about the potential harm to children caused by Mark Foley. The alternative media (blogs, talk radio) will demonstrate that Democrats don't give a hoot about kids. After all, Ted Kennedy drowned a girl, yet he will become the chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee should the Democrats win in November. Mel Reynolds was convicted of 12 counts of sexual assault with a 16 year old, but Bill Clinton pardoned him. Rep. Gerry Studds had sex with an underage male page in 1983, but Democrats cheered him and he was re-elected 6 times. Barney Frank had a male prostitution ring being run out of his home, victimizing dozens of young boys, and he is a liberal hero. Nancy Pelosi marched in a parade with, and accepted campaign contributions from, Harry Hay of the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Bill Clinton boffed an intern, and he was lionized as a liberal icon.
Americans will compare the GOP reaction to Foley, and the Democrat reaction to their scores of rapists, pedophiles, deviants and sexual predators. Democrats protect their freaks. Democrats say that it's just about sex, and that everyone is doing it, and that everybody lies about sex, and why are conservatives so uptight about sex, and sex is nobody's business, and that conservatives are homophobes, and that it's not deviant, it's just an "alternate lifestyle." The Republican response? Foley was history 1 hour after the story hit the news. Speaker Hastert notified the FBI to investigate. Now let's get back to the issues.
Anyone who says there is no difference between conservatives and liberals doesn't know what they are talking about!


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