Tuesday, October 10, 2006

clinton/carter/albright---the tag team of incompetence in North Korea


As military and political leaders around the world stew over the actions of North Korea, one very important fact has gone largely unreported. The simple truth is that North Korea has nuclear weapons today because Bill Clinton allowed them to. The world just got a little more dangerous because Clinton allowed a traitorous ex-president and the bumbling Madelyn Not-So-Bright to negotiate ineffective policies with Kim Jong Mentally Ill. The above link will take you to a very thorough description of the North Korean timeline during the 90's, courtesy of America's Anchorman, El Rushbo himself, Rush Limbaugh. As I look back at this slice of history, I am reminded of why it is so dangerous to ever vote for a liberal. I am reminded of why liberals tend to do poorly in elections. And I am reminded of how vitally important it is to keep the Democrats from winning in November.


Blogger Satanopoulos said...

Thank god we have Rush to set those facts straight for us...

You'd think that after 6 years in office our great and righteous leader and his holy roller cabinet would have undone the evil of the "traitorous" peanut farmer and hill-billy clinton and set those North Koreans straight. It's so good that the president has done SO MUCH to deal with the North Koreans and maybe help avoid a big mess that the Republicans have been aware of for quite some time. Nice job boys!

Also great call on your prediction for November maybe you should go back and check the poll data. Turns out that just calling someone a liberal (something you seem to do ... well... liberally), isn't quite working the same reductive magic as it used to for your camp... again though, really, don't call me one like I said before I'm way too left. I come from a large family of leftist radicals, mostly socialists with some communists sprinkled in. btw, besides me, they're all pretty devout christians -no joke.

3:14 AM  
Blogger hondo said...

Liberal dishonesty and hypocracy on display! Thank you for the teachable moment. Let's imagine for a moment that Pres. Bush had instituted a blockade against N. Korea to persuade them that creating nuclear weapons was a bad idea. Liberals would have screamed about Bush being too harsh. Suppose that Bush had bombed weapons manufacturing sites all across N. Korea. Liberals would have been outraged. Pres. Bush has been pursuing a diplomatic solution, just like all of you good liberal say he should, and now you complain that Bush didn't do enough. Your hypocracy is without limit!
How about those polls! Try reading the fine print on most of the polls cited in the mainstream media. You will see that Democrats are being polled anywhere from 3-16% more than Republicans. No wonder the numbers favor the Dems! I suspect that, come November, we will find out that all of these polls were just as accurate as the 2004 exit polls. In other words, completely wrong!
The one thing you said that I agree with----Thank God for Rush! America's Truth Detector, with Talent On Loan From God, is on alert!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Satanopoulos said...

Who said anything about blockading or bombing... is that the only solution conservatives can come up with to a problem? Nice speech by Bush today. read ... well the chinese will solve it.

So Fox's polls which put democrats ahead as of September by 7%, those are skewed by the liberal media too? Arguing what will happen in November is fruitless, neither of us has second sight but lets just say much has happened since 2004.

Rush is the truth detector? Is that the best god can do? LOL.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Bukko Boomeranger said...

Hey Satan -- can I call you that for short? -- don't you know that the EEEEEEEVIL of Jimmuh Cartuh is SO strong that even six years of the God-like Dear Decider cannot overcome it?!? If you're really satanic, you should know about that level of the Big E...

4:11 AM  

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