Sunday, July 02, 2006

a psalm for america

Psalm 130 is a wonderful prayer found in the Bible for the salvation of Israel, and it applies equally to America today. Read this version of Psalm 130, from The Message and modified to apply to the United States, and hear what God is saying to us.
Help God--the bottom has fallen out of my life! Master, hear my cry for help! Listen hard! Open your ears! Listen to my cries for mercy. If you, God, kept records of wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped. I pray to God--my life a prayer--and wait for what he'll say and do. My life's on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning. America, wait and watch for God--with God's arrival comes love, with God's arrival comes generous redemption. No doubt about it--he'll redeem America, buy back America from captivity to sin.


Blogger Unknown said...

"Blessed are the meek". Do you really believe that? Then why do you ostensibly support a "President" that has ordered an unprovoked attack, bombardment, and illegal occupation of a sovereign nation?

Estimates of deaths amont Iraqi civilians vary from 100,000 to 200,000 even by Bushie reckoning. Moreover, even Bush, himself, concedes that Saddam HAD NOTHING to do with 911. In fact, nothing said by Bush prior to the attack has turned out to have been true, most prominently the WMD cover story. Secondly, NOTHING now said by Bush is the same pre war justification. It is the mark of a black hearted liar that crimes are rationaized only after the fact.

I submit to you that there no moral justification for this war which was begun upon a pack of malicious, black hearted lies and has since been justified with a different set but not less pernicious and deliberate falsehoods.

I submit that this "war" —if war it be —is immoral, a sin against man and God!

I am inclined to belive it blasphemous that anyone would quote the "Prince of Peace" in defense of a "Beast" even by the definition given in the book of Revelations.

I also think it time that fundamentalist Christians be held to the standards that they mouth, but obviously do not practice.

I also submit to you that nothing good comes of anything that has to be justified with a lie.

11:55 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

Len--The only part of your rant that was accurate was the final sentence. I too believe that it is wrong to justify anything with lies. Unfortunately, liberals don't follow that line of thinking.

FACT: Each and every time that liberals have accused Pres. Bush of lying or breaking the law, independent evidence has been found showing the liberals to be wrong.
EXAMPLE: Liberals said Bush lied about WMD. The truth is that WMD have been found, and not just the pre-1991 type.
EXAMPLE: Liberals say that Bush broke the law with the NSA wiretapping/phone records/financial records operations. The truth is that each of those programs was legal, constitutional, and had been shared with select Congressmen (of both parties)in advance.

Additional points--you say that Bush has changed the talking points justifying the war after the fact. That is a lie, sir. Use your internet to check what Bush said before the war and you will find that his rationale hasn't changed one iota.
You say that 200,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. That number isn't even close to being accurate, but surely, sir, even a liberal must understand that the vast majority of the real number of casualties were lost at the hands of the Islamofacist terrorists. The real number is somewhere below 50,000 for the entire war. Did you know that Saddam's yearly death toll was over 50,000 per year for his entire reign? How can it be a sin against man and God to save the people of a country from a murderous dictator who was responsible for the deaths of 1.26 million innocent men, women and children?

Your statements, sir, are proof that liberalism is a cancer that renders the poor victim unable to tell right from wrong, fact from fiction, honest from dishonest. All of the lying has come from the left side of the room, and you, sir, should be ashamed of yourself.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cancer is you! You don't hear Liberals wishing death on the right but it's all you hear from those right wing pseudonazis.

3:52 PM  

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