Monday, December 04, 2006

islamofascists and american liberals---cozy bedmates

Modern liberalism is a disease, a cancer, that renders the victim unable to differentiate between right and wrong, good and evil, fact and fiction, justice and injustice, or love and hate. The modern liberal, or secular progressive, hates America and everything this great nation represents. The modern liberal is dedicated to stamping out all public expressions of Christian faith. The modern liberal is dedicated to overturning all of the foundational principles that our Founding Fathers, in their great wisdom and Christian faith, built this republic on. The modern liberal is dedicated to defeating the ideals of principled Reagan conservatism, even though a majority of the American people favor those ideals. Today, the modern liberal is committed to seeing America defeated in the war on terror as a means of accomplishing the secular progressive agenda, which is diametrically opposed to everything America was built on. This secular progressive agenda just so happens to put the modern liberal on the same side of the bed with the leaders of Islamofascism, at least in the short term. They both have as their goal the total destruction of the traditional American way of life. What these "useful idiots" on the left don't understand is that they would be the first ones killed if Islamofascism were to take root here in the U.S.
Read the links up above. Read them and just try to tell me that the American left and the Middle East jihadists aren't working the same side of the street. Keep these facts uppermost in your mind the next time you step into a voting booth.


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