Saturday, December 02, 2006

the gop blueprint for success

Here it is, o yee Republican leaders! Here is the plan that will take you to the promised land in 2008. I'll say in advance that you have already flunked Point #1. Get with the program!

1. Select Mike Pence as the House Minority Leader. Oh well! Pence (way-right-conservative from Indiana) lost big-time to moderate John Boehner (Ohio) for the position, so the national GOP is 0-1 so far. Memo to Republicans: Go to your right!!! Staying "stuck in the middle" is precisely why you lost in November! Didn't you pay any attention to the election results for the Main Street Republicans as compared to the Republican Study Commission? It ain't that deep, fellas!
2. Understand that Pres. Bush will be absolutely no help to the conservative cause ever again. Click your heels together and repeat, "Pres. Bush is not a conservative." Ignore him. In fact, every time Bush says something liberal (example: "When people hurt, government has to move!"), all conservative Republicans must immediately take to the airwaves and denounce that silliness that sometimes comes out of his mouth.
3. The Republican Study Commission, led by Mike Pence (he and I went to high school together, by the way. Go Bull Dogs!) needs to take the lead now in pushing the conservative cause (personal note to Pear-Man that nobody else will understand: I went to high school with Pence and you went to high school with Funksie Jim. Wow!). The RSC MUST accomplish the following during the next two years:
-----Find a principled Reagan conservative to run for president. Romney isn't the answer. Neither are Giuliani or Huckabee. McCain is Hillary in a suit and tie (or should I say that Hillary is McCain in drag? You make the call!). Newt Gingrich would be a reasonable choice. Pence, despite his youth, would be an excellent choice. America needs a fresh face. Pence would have automatic appeal because he isn't a Washington "insider' and he hasn't been made "unclean" by the "Beltway Leprosy" that seems to affect so many of those "honyock's" five minutes after taking office.
-----Propose a Constitutional amendment that would define marriage as being between a man and a woman. Almost 55% of all Americans support such a measure. The proposal won't go anywhere because of the Pelosi-majority, but the conservatives must go "on the record."
-----Propose legislation stating that Roe vs Wade is unconstitutional, and also stating that the federal courts will be prohibited from ruling on any so-called "reproductive right" case. Article 2, Sec. 2 of the United States Constitution expressly gives Congress the power to pass just such a law. The abortion issue is a state issue. Let the people decide state-by-state. I'm confident that this process will lead to the right answer. Again, the law won't be passed, but a line must be drawn in the sand. This is what we stand for! It matters in 2008.
-----Propose an official declaration of war on Islamofascist Terrorism. The declaration must contain language that states that we will go anywhere in the world, at any time, using 100% of our full military/war-making capability (that includes nukes) to utterly and completely erase Islamofascism from the face of the earth. Kind of a Bush Doctrine on steroids! After the Pelosi/Murtha/Kerry/Kennedy brigade shoots down that proposal, all members of the RSC must go home to their districts, and take to the airwaves, and forcefully educate the American people about what "nancy boys" the Democrats are! America will respond! Gen Patton said so!
-----Propose a comprehensive border security/illegal immigration bill that would accomplish the following:
***Train a group of "special forces" units to patrol the border with orders to kill anyone who shoots at us, or who attempts to enter illegally. They must also have "007" powers (license to kill) to deal with the armed drug cartels (they really are militias) that currently control portions of our border. The drug lords must be sent straight to hell!
***Impose multi-million dollar fines on all American businesses who employ illegal immigrants. If the jobs disappear, so will the illegal immigrants.
***Deport all illegal immigrants currently residing anywhere in America's prison system. Then tell them that if they attempt to re-enter the country, we have a nice "special forces surprise" waiting for them!
***Make English the official language of the United States. Outlaw bi-lingual signs in government offices. It's real simple, kids. If you live in America, you learn to speak English! Capish?
***Streamline the LEGAL immigration process. It is absolutely ridiculous for a law-abiding resident of another country to have to wait for years to become an American. Adopt an "Ellis Island" model so that good people from all corners of the globe can come and become Americans! Legally! By the way, there is absolutely nothing about such a bill that would pass through the Democrats, but they would have to publically defend their anti-American position. The payoff is in 2008!
---Propose legislation abolishing the IRS and the federal income tax. Propose the Fair Tax ( Propose the abolition of the "death tax." Propose the repeal of all taxes on oil.
---Propose the abolition of the Dept. of Education, the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, the Dept. of Health and Human Services, and the Dept. of Homeland Security. The combined annual budgets of these departments is a staggering $850 billion!!! Conservatives must stand for smaller government, and we must not weaken! The above departments are unnecessary, they are a violation of the principle of federalism (with the exception of Homeland Security, which, in fact, does not make us more secure), and "we the people" shouldn't have to pay for all that mess.

This is the blueprint. This is the roadmap to success in 2008. This is the way to relegate the Democrat Party to "the dust bin of history." Principled Reagan conservatives must unite to steer our country back to the right, and back to the original intent of our Founding Fathers. The future of America depends on it!

Want to go deeper? Go to:

This is the playbook, sports fans!


Blogger Travis J. Hankins said...

Great Post! You are exactly right, Reagan conservatives must unite NOW to bring our country back to the principles of limited government, strong national defense and traditional moral values. Status quo is unacceptable!

So you went to North with Pence? Are you still around the Columbus area?

Keep up the great work!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Henry Martin said...

A good list, though I don't agree with a "shoot to kill" when it comes to unarmed border crashers. I believe they SHOULD be stopped, but not killed. When it comes to immigrants, I believe it should be as easy as it was for our great grandfathers -- you come here and you EARN the right to "be an American."

However, we must remember that we come upon much of our land through less than honorable "deals" with the folks that were here first. We were stronger, so we took what we wanted. If our employers would verify the status of EVERY worker, and be fined heavily for infraction, that would go a long way towards an equitable solution. It should not be a crime just to work here. There are enough "real criminals" to deal with.

11:21 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

Henry, I think you are unintentionally misinterpreting what I said. First, I said that multi-million dollar fines should be imposed on any business employing illegals. That step, all by itself, would eliminate the problem of peaceful Mexicans illegally crossing the border looking for work. The only people who would still have a motive for illegally crossing the border at that point would be criminals seeking to commit crimes in America. I wouldn't shed one single tear over the shooting of each and every one of those criminals. Next, I stated that we should streamline the legal immigration process so that all peaceful people everywhere could legally come here and become Americans. Your reply obscures the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.
The other point you made was that the first Americans did wrong in the taking of this continent and that, somehow, that has some relevance to the illegal immigration situation today. It doesn't. Regardless of how we acquired this land of ours in the beginning, it is ours today and we have every right to defend it. In fact, we have an obligation to defend it. I believe that looking back at offenses committed 200 years ago, offenses that can't be corrected today, distracts us from the important task we face now of defending our national sovereignty.

10:02 PM  

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