Friday, December 01, 2006

a battle for the heart and soul of the gop

Ever since the November train wreck that saw the GOP get thumped at every level and in every state, I have been promising to lay out the conservative battle plan that must be implemented by the Republicans if they want to achieve success in 2008. I will do that over the course of this weekend. First, I wanted to share an article (see above link) that shows how intense the GOP civil war is going to be. On one side you have the House Republican Study Commission, led by staunch conservatives such as Mike Pence (Indiana) and Tom Tancredo (Arizona). On the other side you have The Main Street Republicans, the leading voice of liberal Republicans. Make no mistake, this battle for the heart and soul of the GOP will determine the outcome of the 2008 elections at every level. Let's look at some facts, shall we?
1. Of the 13 newly-elected Republicans in the House, only one will join the Main Street caucus.
2. The Main Street Caucus lost 7 of their 48 House members in the November election, making them an even smaller minority than they were. Re-read #1. The freshman GOP congressmen aren't attracted to them. Hmmm.
3. Despite the fact that a whole bunch of Republican congressmen lost in November, making the House GOP the minority for the first time since 1994, the conservative House Republican Study Commission will maintain their 110-member numbers.
4. Most of the newly-elected Democrats in the House ran as conservatives. They "out-conservatived" the GOP.

What do these facts tell us? They tell us that a significant majority of "we the people" are conservatives who won't vote for liberals. These facts tell us that the roadmap back to the majority in 2008 can be found in the principles of Reagan conservatism. They tell us that all this talk about "enlarging the GOP tent" is crapola and a recipe for certain defeat.

Take a look at this Nov. 29 column from New York Times columnist David Brooks. He would certainly qualify as a liberal Republican, and he offers his blueprint for Republican success in 2008. There's not any part of it that I agree with, but I offer it for comparison purposes. Take a look, and I will offer an alternative tomorrow.


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