Wednesday, December 20, 2006

al gore science fiction

Patrick J. Michaels is Senior Fellow in Environmental Studies at the Cato Institute. He has written a book entitled Meltdown: The Predictable Distortion of Global Warming By Scientists, Politicians, and the Media. The links above take you to the articles Mr. Michaels has written for The American Spectator ( in 2006 concerning the science fiction of global warming. I know that's a lot of reading that I laid out there, but I'm convinced that, if you take the time to read this man's work with an open mind undamaged by the disease of liberalism, you will come to the following conclusions:

1. Al Gore is a moron. Actually, you really wouldn't have to read any of the above to reach that conclusion. Just watch a "highlight" video of Gore's "greatest" political moments. It's a wonder this guy can breathe without written instructions!
2. The global warming crowd has only one goal, and that is the complete destruction of America as the world's only superpower. If that goal is accomplished, we move that much closer to a one-world, socialist government/economy under the control of the amoral United Nations. The global warming agenda is to accomplish that by crippling the American industry and economy.
3. The radical left, AKA the secular progressives, justify this agenda by saying that America is the root cause of all that is evil in this world, therefore, America the Superpower must be destroyed.
4. In the minds of the lunatic left, ably represented by Comrade Gore, their cause is just, so it's OK to lie about the supposed causes and effects of global warming.
5. Mr. Michaels does a great job of exposing all of the liberal lies supporting the global warming movement with hard, cold scientific data. He quotes scientists, which automatically exposes the #1 lie of the movement, which is that the scientific community unanimously supports Al Gore's sci fi flick.
6. The global warming movement eagerly uses threats of bodily harm and even death in an attempt to beat the naysayers into compliance. That is the clearest sign there is of just how bogus the Gore cult is.

This will probably be my last post until after Christmas. Read what Mr. Michaels has to say and see for yourself. Then treat yourself to some good Christmas humor at:

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to all! May the Packers return to glory, may the Pacers have a year free from felonies, may Notre Dame at least be competitive against LSU, may the Butler Bulldogs reach the Final Four, and may God bless each and every one of you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You appear to suffer from a psychosis. Truly scary that you work in education.... Our children are doomed by people like you. If not through illegal, immoral wars then through the teaching of myth and pseudo-science. You would set our country back several centuries if given a chance. You are a moron.

9:27 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

Thank you for the personal attack, anonymous. I notice that your "scholarly" reply contained no facts, no scientific data, and nothing of substance refuting the points I made in my post. Ain't that just the way with liberals! Personal attacks are fine with me; they provide what I like to call "teachable moments" as we study the cancer of liberalism and its effects. I will ask you a couple of questions, though. If you are able to string together a coherent sentence with at least one provable fact, please attempt to respond.
1. You accuse me of teaching "myth and pseudo-science." Excuse me, but I think you have me confused with a certain failed liberal presidential candidate who is currently working on the next "Star Trek" movie. I have shown provable facts showing that Al Gore is either a liar of breathtakingly stupid.
2. You seem to be saying that principled, Christian conservatism will set this country back several centuries. Look at
Our American republic was born largely as the result of The Great Awakening. The boldest experiment in government by the people ever attempted in the world came about through principles of Christian conservatism! For you to say that those principles lead to a reversal of progress is just flat wrong!

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You demean Anonymous for not including scientific data and research findings in their response to you. Don’t you find it just a little bit hypocritical to state that when you quoted no scientific data, research or analysis in your original post? Even those links you included are practically void of a true discussion regarding the science behind the events that are discussed. Sure, anyone can discuss trends and observables, but I have yet to hear an argument against global warming that cites good science. Perhaps we all should have a little more humility when talking about something that we don't know anything about.

9:25 AM  
Blogger hondo said...

Anonymous #2 uses the tired old liberal strategy of "lie, lie, lie" in his response. The truth is that there is much scientific data contained in the links I provided. All you have to do is click and read. The problem with liberals is that they refuse to acknowledge the existence of that which they don't believe. Never mind the facts! Do you want more scientific data? OK, here it is:

10:35 AM  

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