Thursday, August 17, 2006

this day in history....

Read more about all of the following at, This Day In History:

8/17/1962--- East German guards gun down a young man trying to escape across the Berlin Wall into West Berlin and leave him to bleed to death. It was one of the ugliest incidents at one of the ugliest symbols of the Cold War.

8/17/1987--- Rudolph Hess, Nazi leader Adolph Hitler's former deputy, was found dead, apparently from suicide, in Spandau Prison in Berlin. He was 93. Hess was a devout believer in Nazism and a participant in Hitler's failed "Beer Hall Putsch" in 1923.

8/17/1987--- American journalist Charles Glass escaped his kidnappers and was rescued. He had been held hostage by the terrorist organization Hezbollah for 62 days.

8/17/2006--- The president of Lebanon has ruled out disarming Hezbollah, in direct defiance of UN Resolution 1701. His reasoning? Hezbollah was the only Arab force who "stood up to Israel."

Friends (and everybody else), why is it that there are so many people around the globe, and here at home, who can't see that there is good and there is evil in this world, and who can't seem to learn the lessons that history attempts to teach us? Why is it that there are so many people who can't recognize who the good guys are and who the bad guys are?
"I don't think that Israel has any legal or moral justification for their massive bombing."--Jimmy Carter, 1970's era failed president and 21st Century traitor

There is a false, and very dangerous, belief among liberals that no culture, no group of people, can be viewed as any worse than another. Well, let me take that back. Liberals do believe that there is one group of people that is the root of all evil worldwide, and that would be the people of the United States of America. We currently have, in my opinion, a very dangerous situation developing in the U.S. The liberal minority, with their distorted worldview, is the loudest, most vocal group in this country. The more conservative majority has been largely silent, content to believe that "everybody is entitled to their own opinion", and "there's two sides to every story", and "I just wish this Iraq thing would go away."

8/17/2006--- Federal judge Anna Diggs Taylor, a U.S. District Court judge in Detroit who was originally appointed by Jimmy Carter, ruled that the government's warrantless wiretapping program was unconstitutional and ordered an immediate halt to the program. This is the same NSA program that was so crucial in foiling the recent 9/11 style airline bombing terrorist plot. The ACLU had filed suit in this court on behalf of journalists, scholars and lawyers who said that the NSA program made it difficult for them to do their jobs. There is virtually no public outcry over this unconscionable decision.

I'm going to make a prediction. I will say right up front that I hope this prediction is just as wrong as my recent Lieberman/Lamont prediction, but I fear it's not. I believe that there will be another massive Islamofacist terrorist attack on U.S. soil. After all, we have to be right 100% of the time, they only have to be right once. I believe that we will realize in the aftermath of that attack that all of the liberal catterwalling over the last 5 years about "civil rights for terrorists" and "Bush lied/soldiers died" and "cut and run" and "He preyed on our fears!!!" has undermined our national security. It will be at that point that the more conservative majority of our country will wake up and demand that conservatism take the lead, but it will take the deaths of thousands to make that happen, and that's a tragedy!

"Have you forgotten how it felt that day
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away?
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside
Going through a living hell
And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden
Have you forgotten?
Darryl Worley


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