Saturday, February 03, 2007

global warming---mythology, religion, and socialist dream; but not science

J.R. Dunn of American Thinker has done an amazing job of exposing the global warming hysteria for what it is. It is a leftist strategy to destroy America as the world's sole superpower. It is a leftist strategy to establish the United Nations as the governing body of a one-world government. It is a pseudo-religion for those who do not believe in the True Living God of all creation. It is a scam to seize power initiated by those who feel that America's free, open society doesn't give them the kind of power they are entitled to. It is just one more chapter in the continuing saga of the earth-worshippers and the environmental wackos trying to force their cockamamie beliefs on the rest of us. That's what the global warming hysteria is all about. It is not, however, science. Don't let anyone tell you that global warming has been proven scientifically because it hasn't. Half of the world's scientists don't believe it, and neither should you.


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