Thursday, February 01, 2007

an "authoritative document" from 113 science fiction fans

Brother Gore's Travelin' Global Warming and Salvation Show just claimed 113 more gullible converts. When P.T Barnum said that there was a sucker born every minute, I wonder if he had any idea that 113 of those suckers would someday congregate in one place and say things as silly as this group did.

Let's try to put this whole global warming fairy tale in some perspective, shall we?

1. The global warming worshippers of today are the same clowns that, 40 years ago, were hyperventilating about global cooling and an impending Ice Age. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.
2. All of the sheep in the global warming herd are overlooking one very simple fact: if a 5-day weather forecast is so seldom accurate, then it is lunacy to believe in the accuracy of climate models attempting to predict weather changes years in advance.
3. Over the last month, much of the U.S. has seen record snowfall and record cold temperatures. Where does that fit in with the global warming mythology?
4. The global warmimg movement has absolutely nothing to do with climate change. It has everything to do with forcing the U.S. to acquiesce to U.N. control. It has everything to do with wrecking our economy, destroying our culture, and eliminating the United States as a world superpower. It has everything to do with replacing the political and economic system created by our founding fathers and replacing it with socialism under the control of secular progressives.

This is a very important battle that is being fought right now. It is vital that the educated Christian conservative get off the sideline and fight against this leftist attempt to destroy America. More info:


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