Monday, August 28, 2006

liberalism and christianity

On several different occasions on this blog, I have talked about how one of the goals of the secular progressive--the modern liberal--is to wipe out all public expressions of Christian faith in our culture. Ann Coulter, as I have discussed on this site, calls liberalism a godless religion, and I believe that she is right. I have presented evidence on this site to prove the validity of this belief, and the liberal readers of this blog have responded angrily that I am wrong. Well, today, we have more proof.
Rasmussen Reports, an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion polling information, has released the results of a new poll concerning the religious beliefs of Americans. I put a lot of stock in what Rasmussen has to say because they are the most accurate polling outfit in the nation. They were the only polling firm to accurately project both George Bush's and John Kerry's vote totals for the 2004 election within half a percentage point of the actual results. Here is what Rasmussen says on the subject of religion in America.
Rasmussen asked Americans from all 50 states if they believed in the Bible as literal truth. The 4 states with the highest percentage of respondents answering yes were Alabama and Arkansas (75% in both states), West Virginia (70%), and Tennessee (68%). All four of those states are red states that voted for Bush. By the way, 54% of Americans nationally responded yes to that question. The northeast region of the U.S. had the lowest percentage of people who said they believed that the Bible was literal truth. In Vermont and Massachusetts, 22% of the respondents believe that the Bible is literal truth. That's a pretty big difference, isn't it? It seems that the more liberal a state is, the less belief there is in that state in the truth of the Bible.
The stats I listed above don't surprise me at all. Modern liberalism has no use for God, the Good News of Jesus Christ, or the teachings of the Bible. That's not to say that all liberals are atheists, or anything of the sort. I know liberals who are devout Christians, but they are in the minority. Let me give you some stats, however, which did surprise me.
In Arkansas, 83% of Republicans and 75% of Democrats believe that the Bible is literal truth. In Alabama, the percentages are strikingly similar. It seems that the Christian conservative portion of the population in those states have had a positive effect on the more liberal ones. Or perhaps liberalism just isn't strong enough in those states to lead people away from God.
Now let's look at the liberal counterparts to those two red states. In Vermont, 14% of Democrats and only 37% of Republicans believe in the literal truth of the Bible. In Massachusetts the percentages are almost identical. Even more surprisingly, a full 44% of conservatives in Massachusetts don't believe in the literal truth of the Bible, as compared to 41% who do. The lesson here is that we as Christians must constantly go to God in prayer, asking for His strength and wisdom so that we do not get sucked into the godless beliefs of the world. Lesson #2 is that, if we prayerfully follow Jesus' command to go into all the world and tell people the Good News of Jesus Christ, God will use us to make a difference in the lives of others.


Blogger Jason Hughes said...

By "literal truth," I'm assuming you mean you find it incredulous that less and less people believe that god created man from the dust of the ground, that less people believe in the world-wide flood theory, and that less people subscribe to the "man rose from the dead" thing?

Another thing your post may want to point out is that the most "liberal" states are also the ones with the lowest divorce rates & the highest education rates in the entire country--how does that jive with your overall point that the so-called "heartland" is right on the money?

2:56 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

No, actually I'm not surprised that fewer and fewer people in America believe that the Bible is literal truth. The U.S. has become increasingly secular over the last 50 years and we are seeing the results. I personally believe with all my heart that the Bible is the perfect Word of God. I take what the Bible says literally. I believe that Jesus died on the cross, was raised on the third day, conversed and communed with His disciples, and then ascended to heaven--all so that our sins would be forgiven and we could freely accept God's gift of eternal life.
You mentioned divorce rates and education rates at the end of your comment. I'm not real sure what that has to do with the topic at hand, but I will respond anyway.
You are correct concerning divorce rates. I suspect there are several reasons why this is true. Catholicism is more prevalent in the Northeast than it is in the Bible Belt. Certainly it's also probably true that people tend to get married at a younger age in the South than they do in the Northeast.
Next, you say that liberal states are better educated than conservative states? That just isn't true. Of the top 11 states in the nation in high school graduation rates, 7 of the 11 are red states. 17 of the top 25 states in SAT scores are Bush states. These stats are irrelevant, however, in our current discussion. Intelligence has nothing to do with religious faith. Some of the most brilliant people in the world are strong Christians. Also, some of the least educated people in the world are also Christians. The Good News of Jesus Christ and His teachings are readily available and understandable to all who seek God, regardless of education level. The best way I know of to know God is to very simply ask God to speak to your heart. Then read the Book of John from the Bible. God's wonderful love for us, made real in the flesh of Jesus, will be evident to you if you do that.

11:17 PM  

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