Tuesday, August 22, 2006

essential reading for those who seek the truth

There are three columns that appear on www.townhall.com/columnists/ that are absolutely essential reading for people who are at all interested in truth. The first column to link to is written by Thomas Sowell and is entitled The Point of No Return? Sowell's column outlines in fairly harsh terms the threat we currently face from Islamofacism and the danger we face in relying on appeasement to deal with that threat. When voters go to the polls this November, and again 2 years from now, we must make very sure that the people we vote for, regardless of political affiliation, understand that we cannot negotiate with terrorists and who have the courage to do what is necessary to safeguard our national security.
The second column is written by David Limbaugh and is entitled Democrats: Avoiding the Flow Chart. Limbaugh talks about how the GOP is still likely to hold control of both houses of Congress because the Democrats haven't offered any plan whatsoever with regards to protecting national security. Limbaugh does a great job in this column of holding up, side by side, the actions, plans, and statements of each party to show that the Democrats are absolutely clueless with regards to the Islamofacist threat we face today.
The third column is written by Chuck Colson and is entitled Islamic Facists? Colson does a great job of cutting through the political correctness and the liberal gobbledygook that is so prevalent today to highlight the reality of Islamofacism.
Because we live in a republic, "we the people" are going to be "The Deciders" (to quote a very 'misunderestimated' Texas rancher in the White House) with regards to how we deal with this evil called Islamofacism. It is our responsibility to be as informed as possible about the threat and to respond accordingly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Limbaugh is right. The Republicans sure have screwed up a lot of things over the last couple of years, but they won't lose the House or the Senate either one. For the Dems to win they have to offer a clear vision of how they will make the U.S.A. a better and safer place. They haven't done that. Until they do, voters won't vote for them.

9:14 PM  

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