Tuesday, July 10, 2007

a great american weekend

This past weekend, I did something that I don't normally do anymore--I made the trip to downtown Indianapolis two days in a row.

On Saturday, I took my kids to the parade for the U.S.S. Indianapolis survivors. What a wonderful experience that was! You can read about it at http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007707070489
and there is a link for a photo gallery of the parade there as well.

On Sunday, we went to an Indianapolis Indians game downtown. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! The weather was beautiful and the game was well played and it was just a lot of fun. There's no such thing as a bad day at the ballpark!

On the drive home after the game, it occured to me that the two events were linked. Those men who survived the sinking of the Indianapolis were a big part of why it's possible to go watch a ball game in peace and harmony today. Those men were instrumental in winning WWII. Millions of men and women, before and after those courageous men, have fought and sometimes died to protect the freedoms we take for granted. We owe them a debt that is impossible to fully repay.

The events of the weekend gave my children and I a great opportunity to talk about these kinds of things. I was pleasantly surprised at how insightful their questions were. Kids want to know why America is great. The events of this last weekend helped them understand.


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