Tuesday, March 13, 2007

global warming is not a crisis


Philip Stott is an Emeritus Professor from the University of London, UK. For the last 18 years he was the editor of the Journal of Biogeography. He has written an extremely thoughtful, reasoned article about the current global warming hysteria, and I highly recommend reading it. I'll summarize his main points:

1. "From the Babylon of Gilgamesh to the post-Eden of Noah, every age has viewed climate change cataclysmically, as retribution for human greed and sinfulness." The Bible tells us that there is nothing new under the sun, and the global warming freak show is proof positive. Prof. Stott shows how each and every generation since the beginning of man has gotten hysterical over the weather. Why do you think that local TV stations spend such enormous sums of money on their weather divisions? Jim Rome, the sports talk guy, likes to say that, in Los Angeles, when the first drops of rain hit the first windshield, the people of LA take that as permission to begin hurtling their cars at each other and sliding off the road. People get freaked out about the weather, and this has always been so.
2. "Extreme weather events are ever present, and there is no evidence of systematic increases. Outside the tropics, variability should decrease in a warmer world. If this is a "crisis," then the world is in permanent "crisis," but will be less prone to "crisis" with warming." He says that the seas have been rising for 12,000 years. He says that changes in the climate have been cyclical since the beginning of time, and that nature's rhythm will continue.
3. Stott discounts man's effect on greenhouse gas. He says, "So, does the claim that humans are the primary cause of recent warming imply "crisis"? The impact on temperature per unit CO2 goes down, not up, with increasing CO2. The role of human-induced greenhouse gases does not relate directly to emission rate, nor even to CO2 levels, but rather to the radiative (or greenhouse) impact. Doubling CO2 is a convenient benchmark. It is claimed, on the basis of computer models, that this should lead to 1.1 - 6.4 C warming. What is rarely noted is that we are already three-quarters of the way into this in terms of radiative forcing, but we have only witnessed a 0.6 (+/-0.2) C rise, and there is no reason to suppose that all of this is due to humans."

Ladies and gentlemen, read the whole article yourself, and understand that global warming is just one more lie on a long list of liberal lies.


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