Friday, March 02, 2007

gathering of eagles


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is from the same Michelle Malkin who is Anti-Bill of Rights that we American servicemen and women put our lives on the line to defend? The same Michelle Malkin who falsely reported that decorated veteran John Kerry was snubbed by his military brethren? The same Michelle Malkin who “outed” an on-side Iraqi officer and put his life at risk? The same Michelle Malkin who accused the Associated Press of being affiliated with terrorist because they dare report the news? The same Michelle Malkin who supported racist George Allen? The same Michelle Malkin who falsely reported that our former First Lady Hillary Clinton was booed for supporting us troops? The same Michelle Malkin who denied the Qana incident? The same Michelle Malkin who dubbed the entire city of San Francisco as “hate filled” despite the number of military serving who hail from that city and are putting their lives on the line daily for her freedom? The same Michelle Malkin who uses us military to ruthlessly and selfishly further her own political goals?

I don’t think so… By the way Hondo, what are you doing to support those of fighting this war? Are you marching in our support? Sending care packages? Helping expose the appalling conditions at Walter Reed? What exactly are you doing to support those of us making the real daily sacrifice? Or are you just using us too, like Malkin, to further your own agenda? I look forward to your reply!

6:42 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

I'm going to answer your last question first, Mr. Fraudulent Patriot. I pray for God's blessings upon all of the men and women bravely fighting for our freedoms. There is no more meaningful or powerful thing we can do for them than to pray for them.

I'm surprised you care. Don't think for a minute that I believe any of your blarney about being a military guy. I've read your stuff on Truthdig, and I am convinced that your whole "military hero" rap is one big liberal lie. I know people who are retired military, and I have had them look at your screeds posted on Truthdig, and they agree with me. You are a liar, sir, and exposing you gives me a great deal of satisfaction. And that's another way I have of supporting the real troops.

As for all of the stuff you said about Michelle Malkin--well, that's all lies, too. And also completely irrelevant. She didn't create Gathering of Eagles, she just supports them. I guess that's her way of supporting the troops, which you wouldn't understand because you are a lying liberal liar impersonating a soldier.

Do you wonder why you make me so angry? It's because I had an uncle killed in Vietnam. He volunteered to go because he believed in the mission, and he lost his life. After his death, his grave was figuratively spat on by the feckless politicians and the traitorous anti-America crowd when they sold out our soldiers and forced America to surrender in a war we were winning.

What am I doing to support the troops? I am shining the light of truth on vermin like you so that our brave soldiers don't get bent over again. (excuse my vulgarity, Henry)

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fraudulant patriot? How deeply offensive (but rather expected on your blog). How do judge my patriotism?

A couple of points:

- Yes Hondo, I am military and have served 5 tours in southwest Asia. I am posted OCONUS (that's Outside the Continental United States) right now. Whether you beleive me or not doesn't change that.
- I have never posted on truthdig using the name GI Patriot.

Now, as for supporting us troops, here is the best way: First, employing the mane of the troops to in your political propaganda war. That's my beef with Malkin. She doesn't support us, she uses us. Second, undrstand that e (most of us) want out of Iraq, not because we want to "cut and run" but because we have been sent into sme vague quasi-war justified by intentinal lies. Third, support us by using your blogs to expose lack of support in the form of inadequate equipment and medical care. Fourth, stop attacking those of us who vote democrat with your unrelenting hate-speech. Stop charaterizing those of us who hav different oppinions as traitors or unAmerican.

I think you owe me an apology Hondo (but I'm not holding my breath). Now lets see if you have the decency to respond appropriately...

3:00 AM  
Blogger hondo said...

gi patriot, I am no longer angry with you. I just feel sorry for you. Hey, if dressing up like GI Joe and pretending you are Sgt. York is what gets you through the night, who am I to criticize? As to saying that you have never posted on truthdig under the name gi patriot, all I can say! That must have been another gi patriot. Whatever! My guess is that you are a bookstore clerk in Berkeley.

Now, as to what you said about all of "you soldiers" being "sent" into a war under false pretenses....Did you miss the memo about the U.S. Armed Services being an all-volunteer military? Nobody was "sent." They all volunteered. Why? Because they believe in the mission.

God bless you sir, and I hope that you get the help you need.

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We didn't vounteer to fight a christian crusade you ass. We volunteerd to protect and defend our country. Iraq was not a threat and we damn well knew that before we wnt in. Condelezza Rice even said it on TV! Now most of us feel betrayed by our leaders.

And guys like you are not helping.

6:10 AM  

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