Saturday, February 10, 2007

liberals aren't so "pro choice" when it comes to education

The modern liberal would like you to believe that they are "pro choice", that they are "pro-civil rights", that they are more "tolerant" than the "evil conservatives." Don't you believe it!

Liberals are for murdering unborn babies, but against giving the living a choice in their education.

Liberals are for "choosing" black genocide (most aborted babies are black) but against choosing how our Social Security deductions are invested.

Liberals are for "choosing" an alternative sexual lifestyle (conservatives are too, by the way) but are against the majority choosing to keep the centuries-old definition of marriage as is.

Liberals are for "choosing" to worship the false gods of secular humanism in public, but against choosing to worship the One, True God of all creation in public.

Liberals say that they are "pro choice", but they are absolutely opposed to "we the people" having any choice whatsoever in the care, education, or upbringing of the children that we managed to produce, despite their best efforts to murder them in utero.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when did "secular humanism" reach false idol status? YOu have a great imagination Hondo!

4:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My instinct tells me that underneath all of this
leniant interpretation
elequently lies bias.

For even the neocons
undermine Reagan's conservative agenda with
kindergarten-like views encrusted in pro-life radical right leanings.
So does the far-left.

8:02 AM  
Blogger hondo said...

To anonymous--Secular humanism worships "self." S.H. believes that man has evolved to the point where we are capable of determining for ourselves what is moral and right, and what is not. S.H. replaces the One, True God of all creation with the false god of self.

To Mike--I'm not sure what point you were trying to make, but I would suggest putting it to music. If it has a good beat and it's easy to dance to, you might get it on American Bandstand.

1:10 PM  

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