Sunday, February 18, 2007

i hope newt gingrich runs for president!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really Honko? Yeah, so do the rest us liberals, because with Newt as the republican contender, it would be a shoe-in for any democratic candidate.

So you support Newt the serial adulterer who haggled divorce terms with his wife while she was still in hospital recovering from cancer? The same Newt who was having sex with his Aide while spearheading impeachment charges against Clinton? The same Newt who led a republican revolt and financially shut down the Federal Govt because he was pissed off about what door he had to leave Air Foce One through? The same Newt who comitted perjury by lying to the House Ethics Committee and then got caught trying to get others to misrepresent the ethics violations he committed? The same Newt who had 84 ethics violatons against him? The same Newt who was forced to resign by his own party because he had become such a humiliating embarrassment? Newt is good at one thing, and that is propaganda. He would have made and inspiring Nazi.

On a different note Honcho, I have noticed that you make up words, make-up definitions, make up statistics, and make-up facts? What exactly is it you teach? Creative bull-shitting? Thought so.

12:12 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

Well, armed henry, you certainly have your facts wrong. Let me see if I can help you untwist that imagination!
1. Newt Gingrich was a rotten husband to his wife. I agree. He had affairs. I agree. That doesn't disqualify him from running for president. And for the record, adultery was never the issue with Clinton, either. It was his perjury and his lying to the American people.
2. Newt did lead a GOP revolt. He successfully engineered the GOP takeover of Congress with his Contract with America, and became an instant conservative legend.
3. The shutdown of the federal government was due to Clinton's failure to get with the conservative agenda.
4. Gingrich did not commit perjury. That is a myth. It never happened.
5. Gingrich didn't try to get anyone else to commit perjury. That is a myth. It never happened. (Where do you people come up with this stuff, anyway?)
6. The Democrats fabricated 84 ethics violations against Gingrich. They were not legitimate charges.
7. In the face of all of this fabricating by the Democrats, how did the GOP defend Newt? They didn't. The Republicans did what they always do--they turned tail and ran for the hills. They abandoned Gingrich instead of fighting the baseless Democrat charges. They should be ashamed!
8. Don't talk to me about making things up. Everything I say on this site is backed up by documented fact. It is the modern liberal who lives in the Land of Make Believe.

1:57 PM  
Blogger Henry Martin said...

For the record, this "armed Henry" is NOT me, the Armed Service Technician!

But I guess that goes without saying, huh?

But I, too, cringe at the baggage that Newt brings forward as a conservative. Much better a man like Mike Huckabee! A man of Christian convictions not tainted by heterdoxy or tradition - that is, an evangelical!

Like Bill Clinton, he has arisen out of Arkansas. Unlike him, he is a devout Christian and an unabashed conservative. Like Clinton, he has obtained status among the party "elite" through his leadership among the governors.

Though the present SC Republican machinery is lining up behind Romney, the former "first family" (of the late Carroll Campbell) is lining up behind Huckabee. If Gingrich does not muddy the waters, I agree with the commentators - one of the dark horses may just win!

Southern governors have a way of coming out of "nowhere" in races that can't be won without the South, you know.

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My facts are wrong Hondo?

1. At least you agree the newt is a rotten husband. Now what happened to the conservative “character matters” rhetoric?
2. Yes the newt is a conservative legend, which is exactly the reason Americans are now rejecting conservatism. You guys can’t even pick a decent legend.
3. Now you know as well as I that the newt’s agenda was to shut down the govt because he felt snubbed on Air Force One. He’s the one who brought that up himself! Go look at the media archives!
4. Never committed perjury? The newt admitted to giving false information to the house ethics committee. They did not indict him on “intentional” perjury but they certainly fined him $300,000.
5. I didn’t say he tried to get anyone else to commit perjury. I said he “got caught trying to get others to misrepresent the ethics violations he committed”. That was recorded on tape and the whole ugly incident ended up in litigation when Republican John Boehner sued Democrat Jim McDermont for $10K for leaking the tape.
6, 7, & 8: Yeah sure…

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And one more thing Hoho,

Like I said before: you make up words, you make-up definitions, you make up statistics, and you make-up facts, especially when you dare to venture out beyond your own blog. The thing is, no one lets you get away with it on other forums. Now who is living in the land of make beleive?

1:14 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

Armed Henry, I truly feel sorry for you. I mean that--I'm not being sarcastic. I can't imagine what it must be like to go through life in a fantasy world where wrong is right, fiction is fact, and evil is good. Please, allow me to help clear the fog a little bit (now I'm back to being sarcastic) with a few facts.

David Bonior brought 75 ethics charges (not 84) against Gingrich. 74 of them were found to have no merit, and so they were thrown out. The last charge, whether Newt funded his college class "Renewing American Civilization" properly, was too complicated a tax issue for the committee to investigate on its own, so they brought in an outside tax expert to investigate. Two charges arose out of this investigation.

The first 'charge' from the ethics committee is that Gingrich "may have" violated tax law by using tax-deductible contributions from nonprofit organizations to teach an allegedly partisan college course.

The second 'charge' from the committee is that, in the course of the investigation, Newt provided false information to the committee. And what was this "false information?" Newt testified that the above contributions were in fact made by those organizations to "Renewing American Civilization." He filed papers that stated the very same thing. This is never a fact that anyone was trying to hide. But one paper filed with the committee stated that those groups did not make the contributions. For this, there was an uproar about Newt's ethics, and he was fined $300,000.

Well, after an almost 4 year probe, after Newt paid the $300,000 fine, the IRS announced on February 3, 1999, that it found NO IMPROPRIETIES IN THE TAX FILINGS of Gingrich and the sponsoring Progress and Freedom Foundation. The IRS said the principles taught in the course were not of use only in political campaigns. "The ... course taught principles from American civilization that could be used by each American in everyday life whether the person is a welfare recipient, the head of a large corporation, or a politician."

What's the bottom line with all of this? The bottom line is that one of Newt's attorney documents had an error, and he didn't catch it. Period. There were no ethics violations. Of course, liberal residents of the Land of Make Believe still scream to this very day that Gingrich is a criminal (even though they excuse perjury from Bill Clinton) as if their screaming makes it true. It doesn't.

Armed Henry, you can spread your liberal lies on the lefty blogs all you want. If you try it on my blog, you will get a face-full of facts refuting your lies. Be forewarned.

1:41 PM  

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