Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the false religion of environmentalism, and the hypocrisy of the "clergy"

I am becoming increasingly agitated with the liberal devotees of environmentalism, and specifically, the worshippers at the Church of Global Warming. The simple truth of the matter is that real science does not support the hysterical rantings of the algore crowd. Man-made global warming is a hoax, and I have provided reams of scientific data on my blog to prove that very point. What I want to focus on today is, first, the religious fervor of the global warming crowd, and, second, the hypocrisy of the "clergy" of the movement.

I don't think it's very hard to see how environmentalism has become a religion. Think about the religion of Christianity. As a Christian, I believe that God created the universe, and everything in it. I believe that God created man in His image. I believe that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross and to then be raised from the dead as the perfect sacrifice for my sins and to complete God's perfect plan of salvation. I believe that the Holy Spirit lives in the hearts of all believers as the perfect Counselor for us as we live out our lives on this side of eternity. I can't point to any scientific studies that "prove" what I believe. On the contrary, it is faith and hope that support my beliefs.

Compare that to the environmentalist fake religion of global warming. These worshippers believe that the world is getting warmer and that it is man's fault, particularly the American man. Salvation will come when we reduce our personal carbon emissions, or, at least, become "carbon-neutral" (that's a big old farce all by itself). If man will not voluntarily perform the rituals of the church, then it becomes the responsibility of the state to enforce compliance with the rituals. It is also the responsibility of the state to indoctrinate our children in this state-approved religion. There are no scientific studies that prove what these worshippers believe. On the contrary, it is faith, hope, and hysteria that support their beliefs. Take a look at the following:
www.shrubwalkers.com/prose/list/not.html and;
These are great illustrations of what I'm talking about.

Now, how about the hypocrisy of the global warming "clergy?" Take a look at
http://newsbusters.org/node/10951 and at

What you find out from these two links is that the very liberals who are screaming the loudest about how all of us need to "get right with god nature" are the people who are doing the most damage to the environment through their actions. Comrad Gore consumes more energy in a month than the average American uses in a year. Comrad Gore trots around the globe on private jets and tools around in massive SUV's and limos, leaving in his wake carbon footprints the size of a Third World country. How dare he lecture anyone about energy conservation!

As I have said many times before, with liberals, the issue is never the issue. Comrad algore and his ilk don't give two hoots about the environment. They know the whole thing is a farce. Their only objective is to gain more power over other "less enlightened humanoids." The issue is one-world, socialist government under the control of their real religion--secular humanism. If you are one of those people who finds yourself buying in to anything these snakeoil salesmen are selling, do yourself a favor. Have a trusted family member, friend or co-worker slap you once right up side your noggin so that you will wake up to reality.

Global warming is a false religion designed to achieve global control.

Nothing more, nothing less.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading the recent article in which the Czech Republic president rants about environmentalism as a religion, I spent much of the past weekend investigating his claims. In the process, I was shocked to uncover the existence of a once-super-secretive religious cult known as The Warmin’ Church™ under the leadership of former vice president Al Gore.

The Warmin’ Church™ found its place as the world’s one and only global warming ministry and adopted the slogan, “The Inconvenient Truth Shall Set You Free!”

To read more about it, visit my blog, Bob McCarty Writes™ -- bobmccarty.wordpress.com.

1:10 PM  

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