Tuesday, February 27, 2007

america had better wake up and smell the coffee!


Modern liberalism would have us believe that there is no such thing as good and evil. Well, on second thought, modern liberalism does say that Christian conservatives are evil. And that George Bush is evil. And that America is evil because America is a superpower. And that all that is wrong with the world is the fault of all of the above. Other than that, though, there is no evil in the world, as viewed through the liberal prism.

The above link will take you to a John LeBoutillier article that puts this issue in its proper perspective. If we don't wise up and correctly identify what is good and what is evil, and if we don't begin to fight evil with all our strength, and if we don't humbly, with a spirit of repentence, ask for God's help in all of this, we will be destroyed. It's just that simple.


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