Saturday, October 28, 2006

what happens if the democrats win in november?

If the Democrats win control of either the House or Denate, or both, in November, you can bet on all of the following being part of their agenda:
1. Raise taxes on everybody and everything.
2. Surrender in Iraq, give up on the war on terror.
3. Turn over all national security and foreign policy decisions (Iran, North Korea, Islamofacism, border security, etc.) to the United Nations.
4. Bog down the Bush administration with bogus charges, wild accusations and endless investigations.
5. Legalize human cloning and expand embryonic stem cell research. Make the right to unlimited abortion on demand a federally-protected right for women of all ages. Legalize gay marriage. Provide unlimited federal funding (that mean's the people's money confiscated via taxation) for all of the above.
I don't believe that a majority of Americans support that kind of an agenda. If you go to the following link:
you will find a lot of great information pertaining to the possibilities of a Democrat win in November. It makes for good Halloween reading!


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