Sunday, September 03, 2006

terrorism thirty-four years ago

Moshe Weinberg (wrestling coach)
Yossef Romano (weightlifter)
Ze'ev Friedman (weightlifter)
David Berger (weightlifter)
Yakov Springer (weightlifting judge)
Eliezer Halfin (wrestler)
Yossef Gutfreund (wrestling referee)
Kehat Shorr (shooting coach)
Mark Slavin (wrestler)
Andre Spitzer (fencing coach)
Amitzur Shapira (track coach)
Anton Fliegerbauer (German police officer)

Sept. 5, 1972, the Summer Olympics in Munich--- Members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage by the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September. Eleven Israeli athletes and one German police officer were murdered by the terrorists on Sept. 5 and 6. A great link to read more about this horrible tragedy can be found at:

I watched a fascinating video of an interview with Jim McKay, the ABC sportscaster, online at
where he described the events of those two days from his perspective as the man who brought the story to the world. It starts at minute 11:00 on the video.
We can never forget what kind of people we are dealing with as we combat Islamofacism. They will not negotiate with us, we cannot appease them. We must decide what we are prepared to do. Will we continue to refuse to fully defend ourselves, or will we make the decision to eliminate this evil from the face of the earth? Civilization as we know it hangs in the balance.


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