Tuesday, January 23, 2007

if jimmy only had the nerve!


Yeah, it's sad, believe me Missy,
When you're born to be a sissy,
Without the vim and verve.
But I could show my prowess, be a lion not a mou-ess,
If I only had the nerve.

Isn't it funny how cowardly liberals like the Treasonous Peanut Farmer get whenever there's a chance they will actually have to defend their cockamamie ideas in public? Oh, they're real brave if they get to pre-select the questions and pre-select the audience and create an artificial environment that makes it seem as if people agree with them. Just try to throw them a curve ball, though, and have an honest debate where they will be challenged in an intellectual manner and they melt like Frosty the Snowman in the spring! Jimmy Carter is not only a traitor to his country, and an anti-Semite, and a fraudulent Christian, and a book-smart man without an ounce of wisdom, and the worst president of the 20th Century, but he is also gutless!


Blogger Henry Martin said...

Come on, Hondo, don't be so hard on the founder of "Habitats for Humanity." His brand of Liberal Theology has at least sought to make a TRUE difference among th disadvantaged!

Your tone in posts concering Mr. Carter do not seem to reflect the Christianity that we say we believe. Your conservativism has undoubtably infected your Christianity. Liberalism is a way of looking at the world that is largely losing ground in this present age. However, those remaining "liberals" will seek the power that is found in making promises to a Narcisistic world. THAT is the liberalism that is the real danger: giving ourselves the power to be "like God" - the original sin!

11:55 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

You're in good company, Henry. My mom said the same thing to me! Both of you are wonderful people and devout Christians, but I respectfully disagree with both of you, and I'll tell you why.
Jimmy Carter is a man who talks a lot about his Christian faith. He holds himself up as a man who has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and who loves God with his entire being. In other words, he holds himself up as a living example of what a Christian should be like. At the same time, he says things like:
1. Christians shouldn't condemn homosexuality or abortion, because that's "divisive."
2. Christianity is compatible with the Muslim religion, and doesn't nexessarily rule out the teachings of Allah and Muhammad.
3. Sins like fornication, idolatry, adultery, stealing, drunkenous, extortion, homosexuality, and coveting (see 1 Corinthians 6:9,10) are all forgiven so we shouldn't criticize them.

As he says those things, we can also view his actions. Carter has cozied up to each and every despotic dictator there has ever been over the last 30 years. He has provided them with financial support, and has symbolically supported them by forming alliances with them. His support, both tangible and intangible, has allowed many of these monsters to grow in strength. It is not a stretch to say that innocent men, women and children have suffered and died as a result of Jimmy Carter.
The Bible talks a lot about false teachers and how we are to respond to them. Truthfully, when I look at most liberals today, I don't see evil people. I see people who are wrong, misguided, uninformed, and blind to reality, but that doesn't make them bad people. When I look at Jimmy Carter, I see the very personification of evil and wickedness. The Treasonous Peanut Farmer once said, "I am one of the few people who have the Christian credentials to debate other Christians, and the political credentials of having been in the White House. I think it's incumbent upon me to speak out..."
A man who makes a statement like that, and then behaves in the manner that I have described, is a man to be scorned. People like Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, "Swim Coach" Kennedy and the like are not bad people and I'll never say that they are. Jimmy Carter is evil right down to the core of his being. Take a look at the following links:



9:09 AM  
Blogger hondo said...

I got so carried away with my thoughts about Jimmy Carter that I forgot to respond to the second paragraph of your comment, Henry. I don't agree with the statement that my conservatism has "infected" my Christianity. Conservatism isn't a disease.I believe that conservatism and Christianity are related. Principled Christian conservatism believes that man should look to God and His Son Jesus Christ for salvation, and not to Mommy and Daddy governemnt. Christian conservatism defines "charity" as what we voluntarily give of our time, talents and treasures to help those in need. Liberalism defines "charity" as that which the government confiscates from those who have and redistributes to those who the government wants to have. Christian conservatives believe that our unalienable rights come from God. Liberals believe our rights come from government. Conservatism can't "infect" Christianity because conservatism is based on Christianity.
I also respectfully disagree with the notion that liberalism is losing ground in this present age. Ten years ago, I would have agreed with you. The "new" conservative movement, led by Newt Gingrich, had swept into power and real reform was taking place. Very quickly, however, those conservatives who went to Washington became infected by the disease of liberalism to the point that, today the Republicans and the Democrats in D.C. are indistinguisable from each other. We the people are increasingly looking for Mommy and Daddy government to take care of us. This makes me sad and angry and frustrated all at the same time, but it also makes me more determined than ever to not stay silent even as I see our American way of life circling the bowl.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Henry Martin said...

Having read those articles, I can see your point about Mr. Carter's religion. My point, I guess, is not in whether I think he is evil or just a liberal like the others you mentioned. My problem is with your attitude. You can defend your belief that he is evil for holding to a liberal theology without demonstrating a hateful attitude toward him.

This evening in a Bible study we went through the book of Jonah. It is obvious that Jonah had an attitude problem with those hated, pagan Assyrians. But God sent him to preach repentance to them anyway!

When we considered our attitudes toward others I suggested that a similar mission to us would be like going to Afghanistan and warning Bin-Laden that the Americans were coming to destroy him. Others mentioned the Democrats. Which do YOU think would be a truer picture of GRACE.

Hate is not an option. We can and should preach against false teachers, but we must not hate them.

And the point I was making is that "classic liberalism," in which one seeks to use the arm of government to do the will of God, is fading fast. In fact, the NEW liberalism that has prevailed since at least the time of LBJ, is barely disguised socialism. We should not have to be coerced to give. And I believe that the statistics show that POOR to middle class Christians are the biggest givers to charitable causes.

But consider this. If you gave the maximum you could give you would not have any "taxable income." Your money would go to the causes that YOU chose. Somewhere I read an article (I may have it somewhere, or maybe even referenced it on a blog) in which an economist proposed that just AMERICA'S rich give "sacrificially" to reduce world poverty to a modest rate. He proposed the richest one percent give one third and continued down to the wealthiest 90th percentile ($80,000 per annum) giving away ten percent. His scheme lowered no one's standard of living significantly and made perfect sense. The problem, of course, is our human nature. Very few people have the compassion to sacrifice that others need not suffer.

And that includes most conservtive Christians.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Henry Martin said...

Oh, yes, about the "infection" of conservatism - I am not so sure that political activism of any stripe is not an infection on the simple "foolishness" of preaching. One's political activities are seeking to influence society through human agency of persuasion and debate. I do not see any political action committees recommended in the sermon on the mount!

Such wonderful work of influencial preachers like D. James Kennedy begins to lose much of its effectiveness when it is linked to political action. Of course, "megachurches" (both good and bad) can't help have an effect and even be politicized by their detractors, but open "campaigning" for causes seems to be a modern phenomenom.

Bottom line: Live the Word. Tell others about what God has done in Christ. To those who are saved this will be a "savor unto life," to all others it will be nonsense - a "savor unto death." Having heard, they are offended.

10:45 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

I just finished reading Titus 1. Paul was talking in this letter about all of the many false teachers in Crete who were leading so many people away from Christ.
I verses 10-16 (The Message) Paul said, "For there are a lot of rebels out there, full of loose, confusing, and deceiving talk. Those who were brought up religious and ought to know better are the worst. They've got to be shut up. They're disrupting entire families with their teaching, and all for the sake of a fast buck. One of their own prophets said it best:
The Cretan are liars from the womb, barking dogs, lazy bellies.
He certainly spoke the truth. Get on them right away. Stop that diseased talk of Jewish make-believe and made-up rules so they can recover a robust faith. Everything is clean to the clean-minded; nothing is clean to dirty-minded unbelievers. They leave their dirty fingerprints on every thought and act. They say they know God, but their actions speak louder than their words. They're real creeps, disobedient good-for-nothings."
I don't hate anybody for any reason. I don't hate liberals, or anyone else who disagrees with me politically (my sister is one of the biggest liberals there is, and I love her!). I don't hate people of opposing political, cultural, or religious views. I don't hate criminals or terrorists. I don't hate false teachers, and I certainly don't hate Jimmy Carter. I don't hate any person on this planet.
I do hate sin with every ounce of my being. I hate the effect that false teachers have on growing Christians everywhere. Just as Paul did in his letter to Titus, I will speak out in the strongest possible terms against false teachers. Jimmy Carter is a highly intelligent man who has studied the Bible extensively. He knows what God has to say in His Holy Word, yet he chooses to alter and ignore significant portions of it. This should inspire anger in all Christians, and we should denounce Carter in the strongest way possible. Jimmy Carter is a real creep, and a disobedient good-for-nothing, and we, as Christians, should not be afraid to say so.

12:55 PM  

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