Tuesday, November 28, 2006

what a fool believes

But what a fool believes he sees
no wise man has the power to reason away.
What seems to be
is always better than nothing.
There's nothing at all
but what a fool believes he sees.---The Doobie Brothers, 1978

1.)....that it's OK to kill unborn babies, but it's not OK to execute murderers and rapists.
2.)....that it's OK to use violence to silence conservative speech, but it's not OK to cause discomfort to encourage captured terrorists to confess.
3.)....that it's OK to dip a cross in urine and excrement and display it as art on taxpayer-funded property, but it's not OK to display the Ten Commandments in a federal courthouse.
4.)....that it's OK for Ted Kennedy to drown Mary Jo Kopechne, and it's OK for Bill Clinton to rape Juanita Broderick, but it's not OK for Mark Foley to talk about having sex with male pages.
5.)....that it's OK for the federal government to override state law so that kids can have abortions, but it's not OK for the federal government to intervene to save Terri Schiavo's life.
6.)....that an all-white college fraternity represents racism, but an all-black fraternity represents diversity.
7.)....that American soldiers fighting in Iraq are "terrorists" but Islamofascist jihadists who blow up American cities are "revolutionary freedom fighters."
8.)....that conservatives are evil because we oppose taxpayer subsidized universal health care.
9.)....that WalMart is evil because, through their skillful use of the free market, they are able to provide privately funded health coverage and cheap medicines to thousands of poor working class Americans who ordinarily couldn't afford either. Re-read #8 and just try to keep your head from exploding. I dare you.
10.)....that the 1st Amendment protects liberal Congressmen when they call the president a terrorist while "speechifying" on the floor of the U.S. Congress, but that the same amendment prohibits praying in the name of Jesus Christ on the floor of that same Congress--a practice, by the way, that was supported by George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.


Blogger Drew Welch said...

What a great site! This list highlights some of the sad truths that we face in the present time. Keep it up, brother!

10:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

so well put, AMEN~~~~!!!!!

5:10 AM  

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