Tuesday, August 08, 2006

lieberman will win

I am going to take a shot at political forecasting here. I predict that Joe Lieberman will defeat Ned Lamont today in Connecticut. The good people of Connecticut won't throw a great statesman like Lieberman out of office. remember you heard it here first!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Lieberman loses this election it will be a shame because he doesn't like this war anymore than any of us do. He is a good and decent person who also happens to be very intelligent and caring. In a way I'd like to see him lose so all you twerps can see just what great things your man Ned CAN'T do. (And actually has no interest in doing anyway.)

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Lieberman loses this election it will be a shame because he doesn't like this war anymore than any of us do. He is a good and decent person who also happens to be very intelligent and caring. In a way I'd like to see him lose so all you twerps can see just what great things your man Ned CAN'T do. (And actually has no interest in doing anyway.)anyway.)

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call Hondo. Too bad you were completely wrong, just as you are on so many issues.

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call Hondo. Too bad you were completely wrong, just as you are on so many issues.

12:42 AM  
Blogger Bukko Boomeranger said...

I second the above double-posts. You're just wrong, wrong, wrong on everything, mate. I hope you don't teach at a public school. It's expectable that kids will come out of religious schools ignorant. But if someone with your propensity for wrong-headedness is a teacher at a school where children have no choice about attending, that WOULD be a waste of tax dollars...

4:09 AM  
Blogger Henry Martin said...

Anonymous #1 and #2 both double clicked when they shouldn't have! :-(

Bukko, if you think Christian school educated children are "ignorant" then I must suggest that you don't know what you are talking about. As for children of public schools "having no choice," you are spot on. It is there that "liberal" thinking is so off track.

And yes, Hondo missed this one. But he is not a northern liberal, so he doesn't know the dynamics of a Connecticut populous that has lost track of their Christian heritage. My wife is from there, and her step-sister still lives there. Conservatives don't have much of a chance there and in neighboring Massachusetts!

BTW, as far as I know my sister-in-law and her husband are conservatives.

10:45 PM  

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