Monday, March 05, 2007

hatred and insanity from the left

Let's compare a couple of events from the past week. First, Ann Coulter caused a stir at CPAC 2007 when she opened her speech at the event by calling John Edwards a faggot. Reaction was swift and severe. Conservative blogs all across the nation denounced her remarks. All of the GOP presidential candidates made statements denouncing her comments. And of course, the mainstream media and the left wing blogosphere (aren't they one and the same?) erupted with criticism of her remarks. My take? Coulter's remark was rude, hateful, ignorant and should be denounced by all clear-thinking Americans. Period.

Second event: Bill Maher, on his HBO show "Real Time," was discussing the assassination attempt on Dick Cheney with a panel of like-minded liberals. They were discussing the eruption of "I wish Cheney had been killed" comments on the left wing blogosphere, particularly Ariana Huffington's blog. Bill Maher expressed the opinion that comments like "the bomb was wasted" were funny, and that America would be a better place if Cheney had been killed. Reaction to the comments was........nonexistent. The mainstream media has ignored the story. How absolutely typical! My take? Expressing a wish that a person be killed by a bomb is worse than calling them a faggot. The mainstream media thinks it's OK to publically wish for the Vice President to be killed, but it's not OK to offend gays. They think that publically wishing for Dick Cheney's violent death is not hate speech, but using an anti-gay epithet is hate speech.

This small slice of recent history illustrates in the clearest way possible the difference between Christian conservatives and the modern liberal. Who's the fascist?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice try Hondo.

I'm surprised that you actually admitted that Coulter's remark was hateful (when I get a minute, or rather a couple of hours, I will put together a compiliation of Hondo's statements of hate).

But you are mistaken by comparing the two. Maher's comment wasn't a wish that Cheney be killed, as you falsely stated. It was actually "But I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow."

Did you even read the transcipt?

1:41 PM  
Blogger hondo said...

Yes, I did read the transcript, and you and I both know just exactly what Maher meant. He meant that he wishes Cheney were dead. If you deny that very simple fact, then you are just as dishonest as the people defending Coulter for her hateful statement.

5:37 PM  

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