Thursday, February 22, 2007

liberalism and science---not exactly love and marriage

Liberalism and science,
Liberalism and science
Go together
Like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You can't have one without the other.

Liberalism and science,
liberalism and science
It's an institute you can't disparage
Ask the local gentry
And they will say it's elementary.

Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion.

Liberalism and science,
liberalism and science
Go together like a horse and carriage
Dad was told by mother
You can't have one without the other. Music and lyrics by Algore Sinatra and the Socialists, now available from Karl Marx Records

Isn't that what liberals always tell us? That they are the people of science and reason? That it is the Christian conservative that is hostile towards science, preferring instead to believe in "superstition?" The link above will take you to an excellent article showing that, in truth, there really isn't such a cozy relationship between liberalism and science. In fact, most of what poses for fact in liberal "theology" can actually be disproven by science.

Take the "evolution vs creationism" debate. Anyone refusing to pledge absolute fealty to the evolution doctrine is called simple minded, stupid, and worse. We are told that evolution has been "proven" by science and that the debate is over. Not true. In fact, most reputable scientists don't buy into evolution. They consider it to be voodoo political doctrine. Liberals ignore that, though, like ostriches with their heads in the sand, and continue to march in lockstep with the Army of Liberalism.

How about abortion? When Roe v. Wade was decided, creating a magical "constitutional right" to abortion out of thin air, we were told by "educated" liberals that a fetus wasn't human. It was simply a clump of cells that couldn't remotely be called a baby, so "eliminating" it was no different than clipping your toe nails. We were told that science had "proven" this, and anyone who believed differently was an uneducated cretin. Well, sports fans, real science disagrees. Real science has proven that an unborn baby can be delivered at 21 weeks and, with the aid of medical science, can not only live, but thrive! Just take note of the recent story of this very thing happening! The baby has grown and has an excellent chance to live a happy, healthy, normal life!

Science has given us the sonogram, which can look into the womb and see the unborn baby, complete with arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes, and a brain. We can see the baby living in the womb, and we can see that he/she isn't a "clump of cells." Science has proven the baby killers wrong, but does that stop them? Absolutely not! The modern liberal simply chooses to ignore science, and off they go on their merry, ignorant way. And it's we conservatives that aren't smart? Give me a break!

How about this whole global warming freak show? More than 50% of the world's climate scientists believe that it's bunk, but that doesn't stop the devotees of Algore's Travelin' Salvation Show from calling the rest of us ignorant. Ellen Goodman, trusty liberal columnist and card-carrying member of the liberal intelligentsia, even went so far as to compare non-believers of the climate hokum to Holocaust deniers! Good grief! Who is the anti-science crowd?

Don't let the libs fool you! There is a group of people in America today who would rather believe in witchcraft, voodoo, superstition, and make believe than in science. That group of people is called "LIBERALS!"


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